[Opencart] Automated Customer Care Messages(Request Review) — OC 2.X-1.5.X

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Automated Customer Care Messages(Request Review) — OC 2.X-1.5.X Opencart Automated Customer Care Messages — Модуль дает возможность после совершения покупки автоматически отправить покупателю письмо — через определенное время с предложением скидки или выбором товара.

Возможность создать неограниченное и разное к-во электронных писем под разных покупателей, которые будут отправляться через определенных n дней.
Features Every business owner knows that a good relationship with his clients is a key to success.

But sometimes it is hard to make every client to feel special or to communicate with them all.

Especially the more clients you have the harder it gets to keep a personal touch to everyone. But not anymore, this extension will make your life easier.

The extension allows you to send emails to customers after a set amount of days, after their order has been marked with a status of your choice. You as admin can create as many emails as you want.

The usage is limitless.
For example: 1) You can ask them to review products they have bought after X days after purchase.

Customer ratings are very important to convince other customers to buy in your Shop.

But ratings also get more and more important for your Google ranking and such ratings are already shown next to the name of some Shops in organic search results.

2) You can ask after some time period about how they are satisfied with the purchase they have made and can you do anything more or do they have questions about the purchase they made

3) Another option may be, you can poke a customer the one has made an order selected «offline payment» but never paid for the order (so you can send him a friendly reminder what is wrong) ANd many more scenarios the ones may pop into your head

NOTE: In the email templates you as admin can make use of various variables the ones will be replaced with real values:

%first_name% — Inserts customers first name

%last_name% — Inserts customers last name

%order_products_html% — Inserts the names of the products in order with link to product pages

%order_products_text% — Inserts the names of the products in orderwithout linking to product pages

%order_date% — Inserts the purchase date.

%order_modified% — Inserts the modification date of the order.

%order_id% — Inserts the order id.

%store_name% — Inserts the store name the order was made.

But that’s not all.

If you running a multistore shop you can select where and which message should be sent in X store and also if you run a multilingual shop, you’d be delighted to know that this module is aware of the language in which the order was placed and sends the email in your customer’s language.

(You as admin can edit all email texts — for each language). So this is critical functionality for any web shop that is half-serious about business and customers. Keep a personal touch with your clients and you will notice that sales will increase since day one

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23 Jul, 2011



