
  • Автор темы Vitalik2
  • 2839
  • Обновлено
  • 27, Aug 2004
  • #1

Mp3tag - это бесплатная программа для редактирования метаданных в музыкальных файлах.Mp3tag позволяет переименовывать треки в соответствии с имеющимися в них сведениями, заменять символы или слова из тегов и имен, импортировать/экспортировать, создавать списки воспроизведения и многое другое.

В Mp3tag имеется поддержка online-сервисов для получения данных, которые позволят автоматически и заполнить все поля, например, при копировании Audio CD.

Mp3tag supports the following audio formats:

* Advanced Audio Coding (aac)

* Free Lossless Audio Codec (flac)

* Monkey's Audio (ape)

* Mpeg Layer 3 (mp3)

* MPEG-4 (mp4 / m4a / m4b / iTunes compatible)

* Musepack (mpc)

* Ogg Vorbis (ogg)

* OptimFROG (ofr)

* OptimFROG DualStream (ofs)

* Speex (spx)

* Tom's Audio Kompressor (tak)

* True Audio (tta)

* Windows Media Audio (wma)

* WavPack (wv)

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13 Aug, 2005



  • 03, Nov 2004
  • #2
MP3tag v.2.26 Final
[2004-11-01] CHG: error message if file can't be opened when removing tags.
[2004-10-31] NEW: support for m4b file extension.
[2004-10-31] FIX: Lyrics3 identifier was only shown if file had APEv2.
[2004-10-31] LNG: Spanish translation of help file.
[2004-10-28] NEW: scripting function $char(x,y)
[2004-10-28] NEW: placeholder %_replaygain_track_gain%, %_replaygain_track_-peak%, %_replaygain_album_gain% and %_replaygain_track_peak% for replaygain info from Musepack header.
[2004-10-28] CHG: better support of backslash at internal scripting functions.
[2004-10-27] FIX: runtime error at very big cover art at ID3v2 tag.
[2004-10-19] LNG: Swedish language file.
[2004-10-16] FIX: ampersand sign denoting a keyboard shortcut by mistake at some dialogs.
[2004-10-13] FIX: file modification date/time was not updated when saving FLAC files.
[2004-10-10] NEW: option for case-sensitive comparison at replace with regular expression actions.
[2004-10-06] NEW: manual sorting of multiple files via drag'n'drop.
[2004-10-04] FIX: 'Save configuration' didn't save additional file from export configurations (*.css, *.js, ...).
[2004-10-04] FIX: active filter wasn't applied after refreshing.
[2004-10-03] NEW: sort by creation date at export.
[2004-10-03] FIX: slovak language file wasn't installed correctly.
[2004-10-02] NEW: placeholder %_filename%, %_filename_ext%, %_extension% at action 'Format value'.
[2004-10-02] NEW: scripting function $and(x,y)
[2004-10-02] NEW: scripting function $eql(x,y)
[2004-10-02] NEW: scripting function $geql(x,y)
[2004-10-02] NEW: scripting function $grtr(x,y)
[2004-10-02] NEW: scripting function $join(x,y)
[2004-10-02] NEW: scripting function $leql(x,y)
[2004-10-02] NEW: scripting function $less(x,y)
[2004-10-02] NEW: scripting function $neql(x,y)
[2004-10-02] NEW: scripting function $not(x)
[2004-10-02] NEW: scripting function $or(x)
[2004-09-30] NEW: field _FILENAME supported by action 'Format value' now.
[2004-09-29] NEW: ID3v2 if ID3v1 too small also for fields not possible in ID3v1 tags.
[2004-09-28] NEW: display of track length at freedb dialog.
[2004-09-26] NEW: support for playlists with / as directory seperator.
[2004-09-25] FIX: menu item 'converter, actions' was disabled in some cases.
[2004-09-25] FIX: output of last loop was duplicated to next loop at the new export in rare cases.
[2004-09-24] NEW: browse for file button at playlist dialog.
[2004-09-21] NEW: placeholders and scripting functions are available when editing via the file view now.
[2004-09-21] FIX: placeholders from tags were evaluated too (not WYSIWYG).
[2004-09-19] FIX: global placeholders were not calculated with new export in rare cases.



11 Dec, 2003



  • 14, Dec 2004
  • #3
Mp3tag 2.27a
[2004-12-04] FIX: didn't display file information for MP3s with ID3v2 tags bigger than 500kb.
[2004-11-28] FIX: changes are displayed temporarily on files where write permisson was not granted.
[2004-11-27] NEW: optional second parameter for $caps, $caps2 and $caps3 for additional characters which trigger upper case.
[2004-11-27] NEW: $caps2 now case conversion 'normal' without changing upper case letters. case conversion 'sentece' now $caps3.
[2004-11-27] FIX: dragging files to end of file list did not work.
[2004-11-23] NEW: new syntax for built in scripting functions.
[2004-11-22] FIX: undo did not work on action sets where filenames and tags of a file were modified.
[2004-11-15] FIX: one tag was saved to all selected files, when hotkeys were used very quickly.
[2004-11-15] FIX: %_vbr% was not evaluated at WMA files.
[2004-11-07] FIX: sometimes did not display all metadata of MP4 files.
[2004-11-07] FIX: relative folderpaths at 'Tag - Filename' didn't work correctly.
[2004-11-06] FIX: runtime error at sorting files via drag'n'drop at the freedb dialog.
[2004-11-06] LNG: catalan translation was outdated.
[2004-11-02] FIX: Alt+F4 on the progress dialog didn't cancel operation.
[2004-11-02] CHG: silent setup looks for Mp3tagSetup.ini in the installer directory first, then in the last installation directory.
[2004-11-01] FIX: main view wasn't updated correctly after freedb queries on incomplete albums in some cases.
[2004-11-01] NEW: scripting function $len(x)
[2004-11-01] FIX: reworked Lyrics3 identifier again.




11 Dec, 2003



  • 11, May 2006
  • #6
Mp3tag v2.35

[2006-01-07] Changes

Это программа от Florian Heidenreich, freeware Есть одноименная программа mp3Tag

в последней версии 5.0 [2006-05-10] от ManiacTools, но shareware
Куда вторую пристроить можно? Разделять их вроде нецелесообразно, но и в этом разделе второй не место


27 Dec, 2004



  • 02, Jun 2006
  • #7
Mp3tag v2.36 [2006-05-28] _
[2006-05-28] NEW: 'Optimize MP4' feature at context menu of MP4 files.
[2006-05-28] CHG: updated Discogs web source.
[2006-05-28] CHG: updated Amazon web sources.
[2006-05-28] LNG: removed outdated slovak and catalan language files.
[2006-05-06] FIX: cancel button wasn't displayed at progress dialog when reading large directories after startup.
[2006-05-01] CHG: files folder.jpg, cover.jpg, folder.png and cover.png are prefered at cover display of extended tag dialog.
[2006-04-30] CHG: disabled redrawing of file list when reading directories.
[2006-04-29] FIX: infrequent deadlock when confirming actions with erroneous or incomplete input parameters.
[2006-04-22] CHG: faster redrawing and sorting in file list.
[2006-04-22] FIX: hidden file attribute was lost on rewrite of ID3v2 tags of large files (> 16MB).
[2006-04-22] FIX: field selection at convert codepage action was disabled sometimes.
[2006-04-22] CHG: filter is now case sensitive.
[2006-04-21] FIX: keyboard mnemonics didn't work in context menu of file list.
[2006-04-18] FIX: option for save mode at the extended tag dialog wasn't displayed correctly.
[2006-04-13] NEW: scripting function $trim(x).
[2006-03-24] NEW: display total count of files loaded on status bar if the file view contains filter results.
[2006-03-23] NEW: sorting via drag & drop in web source result dialog.
[2006-03-23] NEW: sorting via column click in web source result dialog.
[2006-03-23] NEW: sorting of entries at freedb selection dialog.
[2006-03-22] CHG: updated freedb web search.
[2006-03-18] NEW: scripting function $reverse(x).
[2006-03-18] CHG: converted 'Filename - Filename' matched whole filename on non matching format string.
[2006-03-18] CHG: updated Amazon web source.
[2006-03-17] CHG: faster writing of ID3v2 tags for files > 16MB.
[2006-03-14] CHG: cover art is not longer preserved at 'Edit > Undo'.
[2006-03-14] FIX: runtime error when reading some VBRI headers.
[2006-03-14] FIX: runtime error when reading APEv1 tags.
[2006-03-10] CHG: further code-, performance and size optimizations.
[2006-03-10] FIX: inconsistency when opening the extended tag dialog while direct editing in the file view.
[2006-03-08] NEW: asterisks entered at POPULARIMETER are translated to corresponding numeric value.
[2006-03-06] NEW: display of common data in tag panel on multiple selection (instead of ).
[2006-03-04] NEW: display of track length on local freedb queries.
[2006-03-04] CHG: removed options 'Don't load tags at directory change' and 'Load tags when using arrow-keys/single mouse click'
[2006-03-03] NEW: action type 'Export cover to file'.
[2006-03-02] FIX: $right returned undefined results on empty strings.
[2006-03-01] NEW: options to display an icon in the notification area.
[2006-03-01] CHG: removed Mp3tag Quick Pick.
[2006-02-27] FIX: various fixes for bugs introduced with the last Development Builds.
[2006-02-26] NEW: log window after exporting multiple files.
[2006-02-26] CHG: removed option 'Case settings of tag item keys'.
[2006-02-24] NEW: Option 'ID3v2.4 UTF-8' at 'Options > Tags > Mpeg'.
[2006-02-24] NEW: completely rewritten ID3v2 tagging module with support for ID3v2.4 tags.
[2006-02-24] NEW: completely rewritten APEv2 tagging module.
[2006-02-24] CHG: removed option 'Decode ISO-8859-1 tags using system codepage' (is done by default now).
[2006-02-23] NEW: keyboard shortcut Shift+Enter to navigate to previous file while editing in the file view.
[2006-02-23] NEW: placeholder %_filename% for filename without extension at columns in file view.
[2006-02-20] FIX: while editing in the file view, tab key sometimes jumped to previous field instead of next field.
[2006-02-20] FIX: $fmtNum() truncated large numbers.
[2006-02-15] CHG: dialog 'Add directory' starts at directory last added (per session).
[2006-02-15] FIX: minor rounding errors on track lengths.
[2006-02-14] CHG: restart is no longer needed when adding/removing user-defined fields on the tag panel.
[2006-02-14] FIX: tag field contents which exceed the width of an user-defined field on the tag panel were not fully displayed.
[2006-02-11] NEW: support for user-defined and extended tag fields at the tag panel (see 'Options > Tag Panel').
[2006-02-11] NEW: placeholder %_covers% for number of embedded cover art images in the file.
[2006-02-11] NEW: dialog 'Tag - Filename' is vertical resizable now.
[2006-02-11] NEW: dialog 'Filename - Tag' is vertical resizable now.
[2006-02-11] NEW: dialog 'Filename - Filename' is vertical resizable now.
[2006-02-11] NEW: dialog 'Taglist-File - Tag' is vertical resizable now.
[2006-02-10] CHG: removed support for old export configuration format.
[2006-02-10] CHG: invalid characters in filenames are removed by default now.
[2006-02-09] NEW: auto-complete at drop down lists of action dialogs.
[2006-02-04] NEW: optional second parameter encoding for $filename(name,enc) at Export with possible values ansi, utf-8 and utf-16.
[2006-02-04] NEW: keyboard shortcut Shift+Del to remove format strings which are not longer needed from drop-down lists.
[2006-02-03] NEW: binary APEv2 are now preserved on tag updates.
[2006-02-03] CHG: information about used encoder for ogg vorbis files is now available via %_tool% (like with FLAC- and MP4-files).
[2006-02-02] NEW: support for tracknumbers in x/xx format for MP4 tags.
[2006-02-02] CHG: TEMPO now BPM for MP4 tags.
[2006-02-02] FIX: TEMPO not visible in iTunes after being saved by Mp3tag.
[2006-02-01] NEW: UNSYNCEDLYRICS for MP4 tags.
[2006-01-20] FIX: double dollar sign $$ was replaced with single dollar sign at direct editing in the file view.
[2006-01-20] FIX: runtime error with modified dates before 1970-01-01 at files.
[2006-01-17] NEW: placeholder %parent_directory% throughout the program.
[2006-01-17] FIX: runtime error with ID3v2 tags with invalid ID3v2.4 extended headers.
[2006-01-12] FIX: help file wasn't displayed with Mozilla Firefox if help file path contains blanks (since v2.35).
[2006-01-08] NEW: option 'Display grid lines at file view' at 'Options > General'.
[2006-01-08] CHG: removing of ID3v2 tags now enabled by default for APE,MPC,... files.
[2006-01-07] NEW: scripting function $folderdepth(x).


22 Oct, 2005



  • 21, Jun 2006
  • #8
Подскажите пж., как решить проблемму с кодировкой. Когда занружаешь из базы данных информацию о русском альбоме, то все символы - знаки вопроса. Анологично когда сам вручную пишешь тэги на русском то они опять становяться - знаками вопроса.


22 Oct, 2005



  • 20, Apr 2020
  • #10
Mp3tag v3.01

[2020-03-27] REL: VERSION 3.01 (for Windows 10/8.1/8/7/2008/Vista/2003/XP SP3)
------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2020-03-23] CHG: replace action now uses more characters to detect word boundaries if match as
whole word is enabled. (#48186

[2020-03-22] FIX: save configuration did not include *.inc files from tag sources directory.

[2020-03-16] FIX: multi-field search for tag sources did not expand search placeholder `%s` in URLs
anymore. (#48172

[2020-03-13] NEW: added support for WebM Container *.webm files.
[2020-03-13] NEW: added support for WebM Container *.webm for Explorer context menu shell extension
(requires restart to be updated if already installed).
[2020-03-13] FIX: multi-field search for album-only tag sources used encoding on whole parameter
fragment when building URLs.
[2020-03-12] FIX: possible runtime error when editing files via the file list while files were
loading. (#47085

[2020-03-11] FIX: filtered file list was not refreshed in some cases when files were added via drag
and drop. (#48016

[2020-03-10] FIX: list column width was not automatically adjusted when resizing action and export
dialogs. (#45316

[2020-02-24] FIX: saving MP4 with existing QuickTime chapters used global title instead of chapter
names when creating Nero chapters. (#47883

[2020-02-23] CHG: optimized performance of local freedb index creation.
[2020-02-21] FIX: local freedb index database was deleted right after creation in some cases.

[2020-02-16] CHG: added option to retry write to file operations from file list if file is being
used by another application.
[2020-02-15] FIX: populating the context menu and setting the context-menu item texts was off in
some cases (since v3.00a). (#47882

[2020-02-15] CHG: added option to retry write to file operations if file is being used by another
application. (#3487

, #5786

, #18951

, #19047

, #44969

[2020-02-14] FIX: track length for Matroska files with chapters was length of first chapter also if
listing of chapters as separate files was disabled. (#47564

[2020-02-13] FIX: iTunes Soundcheck data produced by $rg2sc() was not detected for MP3 ID3v2
anymore. (#8069

, #47702

[2019-02-13] FIX: possible memory issue when handling Apple QuickTime chapter information.
[2019-02-11] FIX: web sources command `gotoline` failed if target line was empty. (#47769

[2020-02-10] CHG: web sources commands `debug` and `debugwriteinput` now use app data directory as
base if output filename has relative path.
[2020-02-09] NEW: added support for `*.jfif` image file extension when adding cover art. (#47546

[2020-02-08] CHG: moved MP4-related optimization functions to Utils submenu in right-click context
[2020-02-07] NEW: added 'Adjust cover' to resize cover art via cover context menu. (#47644

, #47682

[2020-02-02] FIX: navigation via tab was not possible at extended tags dialog if previous or next
buttons reached the end and got disabled.
[2020-01-28] CHG: added link to privacy policy from help menu as now required by Microsoft Store



13 Aug, 2005



