Альтернативные коды - ALT Codes

  • Автор темы Lucania
  • 46
  • Обновлено
  • 16, Apr 2023
  • #1
ALT Code Char Description

ALT 1 ☺ White Smiley Face

ALT 2 ☻ Black Smiley Face

ALT 3 ♥ Black Heart Suit

ALT 4 ♦ Black Diamond Suit

ALT 5 ♣ Black Club Suit

ALT 6 ♠ Black Spade Suit

ALT 7 • Bullet

ALT 8 ◘ Inverse Bullet

ALT 9 ○ White Circle

ALT 10 ◙ Inverse White Circle

ALT 11 ♂ Male Sign, Mars

ALT 12 ♀ Female Sign, Venus

ALT 13 ♪ Eighth Note, Quaver

ALT 14 ♫ Beamed Eighth Notes, Barred Eighth Notes, Beamed Quavers

ALT 15 ☼ White Sun With Rays

ALT 16 ► Black Right-Pointing Pointer

ALT 17 ◄ Black Left-Pointing Pointer

ALT 18 ↕ Up Down Arrow

ALT 19 ‼ Double Exclamation Mark

ALT 20 ¶ Pilcrow Sign, Paragraph Sign

ALT 21 § Section Sign

ALT 22 ▬ Black Rectangle

ALT 23 ↨ Up Down Arrow With Base

ALT 24 ↑ Upwards Arrow

ALT 25 ↓ Downwards Arrow

ALT 26 → Rightwards Arrow, Z Notation Total Function

ALT 27 ← Leftwards Arrow

ALT 28 ∟ Right Angle

ALT 29 ↔ Left Right Arrow, Z Notation Relation

ALT 30 ▲ Black Up-Pointing Triangle

ALT 31 ▼ Black Down-Pointing Triangle

ALT 32 Space

ALT 33 ! Exclamation Mark, Factorial

ALT 34 “ Quotation Mark

ALT 35 # Number Sign, Pound Sign, Hash, Crosshatch, Octothorpe

ALT 36 $ Dollar Sign, Milréis, Escudo

ALT 37 % Percent Sign

ALT 38 & Ampersand

ALT 39 ‘ Apostrophe

ALT 40 ( Left Parenthesis, Opening Parenthesis

ALT 41 ) Right Parenthesis, Closing Parenthesis

ALT 42 * Asterisk, Star

ALT 43 + Plus Sign

ALT 44 , Comma, Decimal Separator

ALT 45 – Hyphen, Minus Sign

ALT 46 . Full Stop, Period, Dot, Decimal Point

ALT 47 / Solidus, Slash, Forward Slash, Virgule

ALT 48 0 Digit Zero

ALT 49 1 Digit One

ALT 50 2 Digit Two

ALT 51 3 Digit Three

ALT 52 4 Digit Four

ALT 53 5 Digit Five

ALT 54 6 Digit Six

ALT 55 7 Digit Seven

ALT 56 8 Digit Eight

ALT 57 9 Digit Nine

ALT 58 : Colon

ALT 59 ; Semicolon

ALT 60 < Less-Than Sign ALT 61 = Equals Sign ALT 62 > Greater-Than Sign

ALT 63 ? Question Mark

ALT 64 @ Commercial At, At Sign

ALT 65 A Latin Capital Letter A

ALT 66 B Latin Capital Letter B

ALT 67 C Latin Capital Letter C

ALT 68 D Latin Capital Letter D

ALT 69 E Latin Capital Letter E

ALT 70 F Latin Capital Letter F

ALT 71 G Latin Capital Letter G

ALT 72 H Latin Capital Letter H

ALT 73 I Latin Capital Letter I

ALT 74 J Latin Capital Letter J

ALT 75 K Latin Capital Letter K

ALT 76 L Latin Capital Letter L

ALT 77 M Latin Capital Letter M

ALT 78 N Latin Capital Letter N

ALT 79 O Latin Capital Letter O

ALT 80 P Latin Capital Letter P

ALT 81 Q Latin Capital Letter Q

ALT 82 R Latin Capital Letter R

ALT 83 S Latin Capital Letter S

ALT 84 T Latin Capital Letter T

ALT 85 U Latin Capital Letter U

ALT 86 V Latin Capital Letter V

ALT 87 W Latin Capital Letter W

ALT 88 X Latin Capital Letter X

ALT 89 Y Latin Capital Letter Y

ALT 90 Z Latin Capital Letter Z

ALT 91 [ Left Square Bracket, Opening Square Bracket

ALT 92 \ Reverse Solidus, Back Slash

ALT 93 ] Right Square Bracket, Closing Square Bracket

ALT 94 ^ Circumflex Accent

ALT 95 _ Low Line, Underscore

ALT 96 ` Grave Accent

ALT 97 a Latin Small Letter A

ALT 98 b Latin Small Letter B

ALT 99 c Latin Small Letter C

ALT 100 d Latin Small Letter D

ALT 101 e Latin Small Letter E

ALT 102 f Latin Small Letter F

ALT 103 g Latin Small Letter G

ALT 104 h Latin Small Letter H

ALT 105 i Latin Small Letter I

ALT 106 j Latin Small Letter J

ALT 107 k Latin Small Letter K

ALT 108 l Latin Small Letter L

ALT 109 m Latin Small Letter M

ALT 110 n Latin Small Letter N

ALT 111 o Latin Small Letter O

ALT 112 p Latin Small Letter P

ALT 113 q Latin Small Letter Q

ALT 114 r Latin Small Letter R

ALT 115 s Latin Small Letter S

ALT 116 t Latin Small Letter T

ALT 117 u Latin Small Letter U

ALT 118 v Latin Small Letter V

ALT 119 w Latin Small Letter W

ALT 120 x Latin Small Letter X

ALT 121 y Latin Small Letter Y

ALT 122 z Latin Small Letter Z

ALT 123 { Left Curly Bracket, Opening Curly Bracket, Left Brace

ALT 124 | Vertical Line, Vertical Bar

ALT 125 } Right Curly Bracket, Closing Curly Bracket, Right Brace

ALT 126 ~ Tilde

ALT 127 ⌂ House

ALT 128 Ç Latin Capital Letter C With Cedilla

ALT 129 ü Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis

ALT 130 é Latin Small Letter E With Acute

ALT 131 â Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex

ALT 132 ä Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis

ALT 133 à Latin Small Letter A With Grave

ALT 134 å Latin Small Letter A With Ring Above

ALT 135 ç Latin Small Letter C With Cedilla

ALT 136 ê Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex

ALT 137 ë Latin Small Letter E With Diaeresis

ALT 138 è Latin Small Letter E With Grave

ALT 139 ï Latin Small Letter I With Diaeresis

ALT 140 î Latin Small Letter I With Circumflex

ALT 141 ì Latin Small Letter I With Grave

ALT 142 Ä Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis

ALT 143 Å Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Above

ALT 144 É Latin Capital Letter E With Acute

ALT 145 § Latin Small Letter Ae

ALT 146 Æ Latin Capital Letter Ae

ALT 147 ô Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex

ALT 148 ö Latin Small Letter O With Diaeresis

ALT 149 ò Latin Small Letter O With Grave

ALT 150 û Latin Small Letter U With Circumflex

ALT 151 ù Latin Small Letter U With Grave

ALT 152 ÿ Latin Small Letter Y With Diaeresis

ALT 153 Ö Latin Capital Letter O With Diaeresis

ALT 154 Ü Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis

ALT 155 ¢ Cent Sign

ALT 156 £ Pound Sign, Pound Sterling, Irish Punt, Lira Sign

ALT 157 ¥ Yen Sign, Yuan Sign

ALT 158 ₧ Peseta Sign

ALT 159 ƒ Latin Small Letter F With Hook, Florin Currency Symbol, Function Symbol

ALT 160 á Latin Small Letter A With Acute

ALT 161 í Latin Small Letter I With Acute

ALT 162 ó Latin Small Letter O With Acute

ALT 163 ú Latin Small Letter U With Acute

ALT 164 ñ Latin Small Letter N With Tilde, Small Letter Enye

ALT 165 Ñ Latin Capital Letter N With Tilde, Capital Letter Enye

ALT 166 ª Feminine Ordinal Indicator

ALT 167 º Masculine Ordinal Indicator

ALT 168 ¿ Inverted Question Mark, Turned Question Mark

ALT 169 ⌐ Reversed Not Sign, Beginning Of Line

ALT 170 ¬ Not Sign, Angled Dash

ALT 171 ½ Vulgar Fraction One Half

ALT 172 ¼ Vulgar Fraction One Quarter

ALT 173 ¡ Inverted Exclamation Mark

ALT 174 « Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark, Left Guillemet, Chevrons

ALT 175 » Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark, Right Guillemet

ALT 176 ░ Light Shade

ALT 177 ▒ Medium Shade, Speckles Fill, Dotted Fill

ALT 178 ▓ Dark Shade

ALT 179 │ Box Drawings Light Vertical

ALT 180 ┤ Box Drawings Light Vertical And Left

ALT 181 ╡ Box Drawings Vertical Single And Left Double

ALT 182 ╢ Box Drawings Vertical Double And Left Single

ALT 183 ╖ Box Drawings Down Double And Left Single

ALT 184 ╕ Box Drawings Down Single And Left Double

ALT 185 ╣ Box Drawings Double Vertical And Left

ALT 186 ║ Box Drawings Double Vertical

ALT 187 ╗ Box Drawings Double Down And Left

ALT 188 ╝ Box Drawings Double Up And Left

ALT 189 ╜ Box Drawings Up Double And Left Single

ALT 190 ╛ Box Drawings Up Single And Left Double

ALT 191 ┐ Box Drawings Light Down And Left

ALT 192 └ Box Drawings Light Up And Right

ALT 193 ┴ Box Drawings Light Up And Horizontal

ALT 194 ├ Box Drawings Light Down And Horizontal

ALT 195 ├ Box Drawings Light Vertical And Right

ALT 196 ─ Box Drawings Light Horizontal

ALT 197 ┼ Box Drawings Light Vertical And Horizontal

ALT 198 ╞ Box Drawings Vertical Single And Right Double

ALT 199 ╟ Box Drawings Vertical Double And Right Single

ALT 200 ╚ Box Drawings Double Up And Right

ALT 201 ╔ Box Drawings Double Down And Right

ALT 202 ╩ Box Drawings Double Up And Horizontal

ALT 203 ╦ Box Drawings Double Down And Horizontal

ALT 204 ╠ Box Drawings Double Vertical And Right

ALT 205 ═ Box Drawings Double Horizontal

ALT 206 ╬ Box Drawings Double Vertical And Horizontal

ALT 207 ╧ Box Drawings Up Single And Horizontal Double

ALT 208 ╨ Box Drawings Up Double And Horizontal Single

ALT 209 ╤ Box Drawings Down Single And Horizontal Double

ALT 210 ╥ Box Drawings Down Double And Horizontal Single

ALT 211 ╙ Box Drawings Up Double And Right Single

ALT 212 ╘ Box Drawings Up Single And Right Double

ALT 213 ╒ Box Drawings Down Single And Right Double

ALT 214 ╓ Box Drawings Down Double And Right Single

ALT 215 ╫ Box Drawings Vertical Double And Horizontal Single

ALT 216 ╪ Box Drawings Vertical Single And Horizontal Double

ALT 217 ┘ Box Drawings Light Up And Left

ALT 218 ┌ Box Drawings Light Down And Right

ALT 219 █ Full Block, Solid Block

ALT 220 ▄ Lower Half Block

ALT 221 ▌ Left Half Block

ALT 222 ▐ Right Half Block

ALT 223 ▀ Upper Half Block

ALT 224 α Greek Small Letter Alpha

ALT 225 ß Latin Small Letter Sharp S, Eszett

ALT 226 Γ Greek Capital Letter Gamma

ALT 227 π Greek Small Letter Pi

ALT 228 Σ Greek Capital Letter Sigma

ALT 229 σ Greek Small Letter Sigma

ALT 230 µ Micro Sign

ALT 231 τ Greek Capital Letter Tau

ALT 232 Φ Greek Capital Letter Phi

ALT 233 Θ Greek Capital Letter Theta

ALT 234 Ω Greek Capital Letter Omega

ALT 235 δ Greek Small Letter Delta

ALT 236 ∞ Infinity

ALT 237 φ Greek Small Letter Phi

ALT 238 ε Greek Small Letter Epsilon

ALT 239 ∩ Intersection

ALT 240 ≡ Identical To

ALT 241 ± Plus-Minus Sign

ALT 242 ≥ Greater-Than Or Equal To

ALT 243 ≤ Less-Than Or Equal To

ALT 244 ⌠ Top Half Integral

ALT 245 ⌡ Bottom Half Integral

ALT 246 ÷ Division Sign, Obelus

ALT 247 ≈ Almost Equal To, Asymptotic To

ALT 248 ° Degree Sign

ALT 249 ∙ Bullet Operator

ALT 250 · Middle Dot, Interpunct

ALT 251 √ Square Root, Radical Sign

ALT 252 ⁿ Superscript Latin Small Letter N

ALT 253 ² Superscript Two, Squared

ALT 254 ■ Black Square

ALT 255 Non-Breaking Space, NBSP

ALT 0128 € Euro Sign

ALT 0130 ‚ Single Low-9 Quotation Mark

ALT 0131 ƒ Latin Small Letter F With Hook, Florin Currency Symbol, Function

ALT 0132 „ Double Low-9 Quotation Mark

ALT 0133 … Horizontal Ellipsis, Three Dot Leader

ALT 0134 † Dagger, Obelisk, Cross

ALT 0135 ‡ Double Dagger, Double Obelisk, Diesis

ALT 0136 ˆ Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent

ALT 0137 ‰ Per Mille Sign, Per Thousand

ALT 0138 Š Latin Capital Letter S With Caron, S Hacek

ALT 0139 ‹ Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark, Left Guillemet

ALT 0140 ΠLatin Capital Ligature Oe

ALT 0142 Ž Latin Capital Letter Z With Caron, Z Hacek

ALT 0145 ‘ Left Single Quotation Mark

ALT 0146 ’ Right Single Quotation Mark

ALT 0147 “ Left Double Quotation Mark

ALT 0148 ” Right Double Quotation Mark

ALT 0149 • Bullet

ALT 0150 – En Dash

ALT 0151 — Em Dash

ALT 0152 ˜ Small Tilde

ALT 0153 ™ Trade Mark Sign

ALT 0154 š Latin Small Letter S With Caron, S Hacek

ALT 0155 › Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark, Right Guillemet

ALT 0156 œ Latin Small Ligature Oe

ALT 0158 ž Latin Small Letter Z With Caron, Z Hacek

ALT 0159 Ÿ Latin Capital Letter Y With Diaeresis

ALT 0160 No-Break Space, Non-Breaking Space, Nbsp

ALT 0161 ¡ Inverted Exclamation Mark

ALT 0162 ¢ Cent Sign

ALT 0163 ¥ Pound Sign, Pound Sterling, Irish Punt, Lira Sign

ALT 0164 ¤ Currency Sign

ALT 0165 ¥ Yen Sign, Yuan Sign

ALT 0166 ¦ Broken Bar, Parted Rule

ALT 0167 § Section Sign

ALT 0168 ¨ Diaeresis

ALT 0169 © Copyright Sign

ALT 0170 ª Feminine Ordinal Indicator

ALT 0171 « Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark, Left Guillemet, Chevrons

ALT 0172 ¬ Not Sign, Angled Dash

ALT 0173 Soft Hyphen, Discretionary Hyphen

ALT 0174 ® Registered Sign

ALT 0175 ¯ Macron, Overline, Overbar

ALT 0176 ° Degree Sign

ALT 0177 ± Plus-Minus Sign

ALT 0178 ² Superscript Two, Squared

ALT 0179 ³ Superscript Three, Cubed

ALT 0180 ´ Acute Accent

ALT 0181 µ Micro Sign

ALT 0182 ¶ Pilcrow Sign, Paragraph Sign

ALT 0183 · Middle Dot, Midpoint, Georgian Comma, Greek Ano Teleia

ALT 0184 ¸ Cedilla

ALT 0185 ¹ Superscript One

ALT 0186 º Masculine Ordinal Indicator

ALT 0187 » Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark, Right Guillemet

ALT 0188 ¼ Vulgar Fraction One Quarter

ALT 0189 ½ Vulgar Fraction One Half

ALT 0190 ¾ Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters

ALT 0191 ¿ Inverted Question Mark, Turned Question Mark

ALT 0192 À Latin Capital Letter A With Grave

ALT 0193 Á Latin Capital Letter A With Acute

ALT 0194 Â Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex

ALT 0195 Ã Latin Capital Letter A With Tilde

ALT 0196 Ä Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis

ALT 0197 Å Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Above

ALT 0198 Æ Latin Capital Letter Ae

ALT 0199 Ç Latin Capital Letter C With Cedilla

ALT 0200 È Latin Capital Letter E With Grave

ALT 0201 É Latin Capital Letter E With Acute

ALT 0202 Ê Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex

ALT 0203 Ë Latin Capital Letter E With Diaeresis

ALT 0204 Ì Latin Capital Letter I With Grave

ALT 0205 Í Latin Capital Letter I With Acute

ALT 0206 Î Latin Capital Letter I With Circumflex

ALT 0207 Ï Latin Capital Letter I With Diaeresis

ALT 0208 Ð Latin Capital Letter Eth

ALT 0209 Ñ Latin Capital Letter N With Tilde, Capital Letter Enye

ALT 0210 Ò Latin Capital Letter O With Grave

ALT 0211 Ó Latin Capital Letter O With Acute

ALT 0212 Ô Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex

ALT 0213 Õ Latin Capital Letter O With Tilde

ALT 0214 Ö Latin Capital Letter O With Diaeresis

ALT 0215 × Multiplication Sign, Cartesian Product

ALT 0216 Ø Latin Capital Letter O With Stroke

ALT 0217 Ù Latin Capital Letter U With Grave

ALT 0218 Ú Latin Capital Letter U With Acute

ALT 0219 Û Latin Capital Letter U With Circumflex

ALT 0220 Ü Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis

ALT 0221 Ý Latin Capital Letter Y With Acute

ALT 0222 Þ Latin Capital Letter Thorn

ALT 0223 ß Latin Small Letter Sharp S, Eszett

ALT 0224 à Latin Small Letter A With Grave

ALT 0225 á Latin Small Letter A With Acute

ALT 0226 â Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex

ALT 0227 ã Latin Small Letter A With Tilde

ALT 0228 ä Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis

ALT 0229 å Latin Small Letter A With Ring Above

ALT 0230 æ Latin Small Letter Ae, Ash

ALT 0231 ç Latin Small Letter C With Cedilla

ALT 0232 è Latin Small Letter E With Grave

ALT 0233 é Latin Small Letter E With Acute

ALT 0234 ê Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex

ALT 0235 ë Latin Small Letter E With Diaeresis

ALT 0236 ì Latin Small Letter I With Grave

ALT 0237 í Latin Small Letter I With Acute

ALT 0238 î Latin Small Letter I With Circumflex

ALT 0239 ï Latin Small Letter I With Diaeresis

ALT 0240 ð Latin Small Letter Eth

ALT 0241 ñ Latin Small Letter N With Tilde, Small Letter Enye

ALT 0242 ò Latin Small Letter O With Grave

ALT 0243 ó Latin Small Letter O With Acute

ALT 0244 ô Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex

ALT 0245 õ Latin Small Letter O With Tilde

ALT 0246 ö Latin Small Letter O With Diaeresis

ALT 0247 ÷ Division Sign, Obelus

ALT 0248 ø Latin Small Letter O With Stroke

ALT 0249 ù Latin Small Letter U With Grave

ALT 0250 ú Latin Small Letter U With Acute

ALT 0251 û Latin Small Letter U With Circumflex

ALT 0252 ü Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis

ALT 0253 ý Latin Small Letter Y With Acute

ALT 0254 þ Latin Small Letter Thorn

ALT 0255 ÿ Latin Small Letter Y With Diaeresis


02 Feb, 2023



