"For the Taking"

Lilian Darcy Автор письма King Loucan'у из королевства Pacifica – преданный Carrag. В своем послании, он сообщает о том, что нашел трех из четырех потерянных царственных сестер из данного государства. Карраг, в частности, рад был бы получить еще и Талассу, которая считается самой прекрасной сестрой. Он умоляет короля вернуть бедную девушку и убеждает его в правильности того, чтобы дочь отвоеванного трона стала частью монаршей семьи Лукана и поддержала его желания для сохранения мира внутри их обоюдно нестабильного государства. Переживая за свое королевство, слуга советует правителю не спешить ломать хорошенькую девушку, даже если она воспротивится. Согласно заверению Каррага, Талласса все же мягкий и ранимый человек.

`` To: King Loucan from your subject Carrag''

I joyfully received your letter, in which you informed us that you had found the first three of our lost brothers and sisters. However, I am afraid your search for the fourth, Thalassa continues. To this matter we sent our best spies and ask our allies to help our efforts, but none of them have been successful.

You are awaiting our answer regarding your proposal. You wish to marry Thalassa to gain support and amplification of your claim in return for committing to restoring peace and prosperity to our kingdom. My advice to you would be the same as my previous letter. Please, take her only if she chooses to do so. Don't force her, or she may fight you. She may reject your suit, remembering how you had once tried to seize her power. Now, though, there are broken hearts, perhaps it is time to remember these universal truths. Thalassa is kind-hearted, treat her as such, be gentle, respectful and genuine, if you wish her love. Do not use force, Persia's fate is in her hands.

Электронная Книга «For the Taking - Lilian Darcy» написана автором Lilian Darcy в году.

Минимальный возраст читателя: 0

Язык: Английский

ISBN: 9781472060846

Описание книги от Lilian Darcy

To: King Loucan of PacificaFrom: Your Loyal Subject CarragWe joyously received your message that you have found three of the four lost royal siblings of Pacifica. But I understand the eldest, the beautiful Thalassa, is still missing. We pray you find her and convince her to rule by your side. You say you desire a marriage of convenience only–for the sake of restoring peace to our troubled land. I know, Loucan, my dearest friend and king, you will try to bend her to your iron will if she refuses. But don't close your stubborn, wounded heart. As I recall, Lass is a gentle soul. Treat her kindly, and she'll be yours–body and soul–for the taking.

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