Книга "Combustion Engines" посвящена изучению двигателей внутреннего сгорания и их влияния на шум, вибрации и выбросы. Эти факторы являются важными критериями для выбора автомобиля потребителями и для выбора двигателей инженерами в промышленных приложениях. Для механических и автомобильных инженеров важно иметь некоторые знания в этой области для разработки и выбора различных типов двигателей. Эта книга является ценным вводным текстом и удобным справочным пособием для любого инженера, менеджера или техника, работающего в этой области. Автомобильная промышленность и другие отрасли, использующие двигатели в своих промышленных приложениях, приносят миллиарды, а иногда и триллионы долларов дохода по всему миру и являются важными в повседневной жизни многих людей. Эта область затрагивает огромное количество людей, и информация, необходимая инженерам и техникам относительно производительности различных типов двигателей, является крайне важной для проектирования и выбора двигателей и процессов, в которые они вводятся.

This book explains the techniques necessary for combustioin engines to function at maximum efficiency level with low pollution levels. This book contains various theoretical treatments and existing methods for treatment of pollution including field and bench experimental treatments.

This book is about the combustion engines, and its author is sunny narayan. This book has been written for the vehicle noise, vibration and emissions. This includes the information about harmful effects of combustion engine noise. This information will be helpful for the customers and engineers who are making the vehicles and the industrial application using the various types of engine. It will also be helpful for those who have knowledge in selecting an engine or designing an engine and also helping to improve the engine performance. This book contains a lot of information that is useful for all the engineers, technicians and managers, not just in automotive industry but also in other industrial applications that use different types of engine for manufacturing and manufacturing processes. So if you want to have more knowledge about combustion engine it will definitely be a great choice for you.

Электронная Книга «Combustion Engines - Sunny Narayan» написана автором Sunny Narayan в году.

Минимальный возраст читателя: 0

Язык: Английский

ISBN: 9781119284550

Описание книги от Sunny Narayan

Vehicle noise, vibration, and emissions are only a few of the factors that can have a detrimental effects on overall performance of an engine. These aspects are benchmarks for choice of customers while choosing a vehicle or for engineers while choosing an engine for industrial applications. It is important that mechanical and automotive engineers have some knowledge in this area, as a part of their well-rounded training for designing and selecting various types of engines. This volume is a valuable introductory text and a handy reference for any engineer, manager, or technician working in this area. The automotive industry, and other industries that make use of engines in their industrial applications, account for billions, or even trillions, of dollars of revenue worldwide and are important in the daily lives of many, if not most, of the people living on this planet. This is an area that affects a staggering number of people, and the information needed by engineers and technicians concerning the performance of various types of engines is of paramount importance in designing and selecting engines and the processes into which they are introduced.

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Автор: Sunny Narayan
  • Категория: Механика
  • Тип: Электронная Книга
  • Язык: Английский
  • Издатель: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781119284550

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