"Broken: Part 2 of 3" - это книга о девочке по имени Бобби и её старшем брате Арчи, которые оказались в центре инцидента с насилием в семье и были помещены под опеку полиции. Рози, работающая в социальной службе, забирает детей из приемной семьи и начинает замечать, что у них есть тайна, которую они старательно скрывают. Арчи пытается отвлечь Рози от серьезных разговоров шутками и разговорами на разные темы, а Бобби, напротив, проявляет агрессию и истерики. Рози начинает подозревать, что в прошлом детей произошло что-то ужасное, и когда Арчи рассказывает ей правду, она осознает масштабы трагедии. Рози решает помочь детям и найти для них новый дом, где они будут любимы и заботятся о них. "Broken: Part 2 of 3" - это вторая часть трилогии об истории Бобби и Арчи, страдающих от последствий насилия в семье.
Автора: Рози Льюис Generation Together Baby Steps: Overcoming the Trauma of Domestic Violence in Wednesbury (Part 1). Nicholas Evans
Rosie reviews the file. She smiles briefly, feeling a fondness for nine-year- old Archie that comes easily. Archie can tell she likes kids with a feeling. Although she's only six months older than he, he sees her as one of the grownups, someone he can trust. Even if not everyone agrees with how she handles the kids, he trusts her alone. "Archie," Rosie says, "Can we talk about something?" "Whyever would I want to see grub?" Archie replies. Renee gave him that one on a juvenile delinquency case. At breakfast he told her about it and she laughed so hard she peed herself. The requisite sadness is still there in his eyes. It must be heavy to carry around all the time. To not make mistakes or let people down. That\'s something we can all try our best to avoid. Taking another sip of coffee, she turns the form to Bobbi. It seems that Renee is right- the year before, all was well in this household. Alice took care of four young ones and Archie was the troubled one.
Электронная Книга «Broken: Part 2 of 3: A traumatised girl. Her troubled brother. Their shocking secret. - Rosie Lewis» написана автором Rosie Lewis в году.
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Язык: Английский
ISBN: 9780008242848
Описание книги от Rosie Lewis
Nine-year-old Archie and his five-year-old sister, Bobbi, are taken into emergency police protective custody after an incident of domestic violence at their family home.Rosie collects the children from their out-of-hours foster carer on New Year’s Day and instantly recognises Archie from a domestic violence workshop she helped with. Rosie remembers that when asked what he enjoyed most about the course, Archie said: ‘the biscuits’.Social workers are concerned that Archie and Bobbi have been neglected. As Rosie gets to know the children, she begins to suspect that something far more disturbing lies in their past.Archie, jovial and polite, bats away Rosie’s attempts to talk to him about anything serious with witty one-liners and sophisticated distractions. Bobbi reacts violently, lashing out and throwing herself around. Rosie has never seen a child as young a Bobbi behaving so viciously, but it is Archie she is most concerned about as the weeks go by.After a worrying incident at school, Archie tearfully discloses the truth – a shocking secret that has left him and his sister traumatised. Horrified at what she learns, Rosie is determined to help the young siblings find a forever-home that will provide them with the love and care they deserve.