Antoniusfeuer by Yvonne Bauer

Anatius Feuer is a German novel by the author Yvonne Bauer. The novel was first published in 1981 and has since been adapted to various media. This book was the first German novel to have been adapted for television in over half a century.

The main character, Antonius Feuer, serves as the narrator of the novel. Told in the third person, and spanning over four hundred years, this story traces the fortunes of Antonius himself and his family.

Antonius was born about 600 years before the action begins, in a small village in east Germany. His father had recently died, and together with his mother, they hid the child from a man who was seeking them for his own nefarious purposes. While hidden with the small family of stable hands, she became all the better able to assist Antonius, who becomes a priest in his youth. Serving as healer to the people's needs, it was this group that saved, led, and influenced Antonius through his life. Even as an adult, and with some knowledge and wisdom acquired, he still seems naive at times, but mainly enduring and faithful to his family and friends, until his death during World War II. Though he has lost his father, mother, wife, and son during his residence, his friend Jan, his faithful maid, and his church faithful are the only ones left to comfort him in his final hours. During his last days, he offers comfort for those that visit him in their final suffering. Antonius spreads his faith once again by dying for his fatherland, dying with serenity and ending the story of his life in the final chapter, a conclusion that invites the reader to ponder even deeper into the meaning of life, despite fears of loss of one's own life - however, more endearing moments were shared than the tumultuous ones. With every chapter reading and onward, the good aspects become more vivid, thus leaving another impression in the readers' minds.

Антония. Дочь неизвестного дворянина, спасающегося от своего мучителя. Она родилась в больнице Антония в вольном имперском городе Мюльхаузен. Ее мать умирает, прежде чем она узнает тайну ее происхождения. Девочка живет в семье медников, разлученных с жестоким отцом, рыцаря, потерявшего благосклонность короля. От своего друга иезуита Иордана, отца брадобрея, Антония учится разбираться в целебной силе трав. Она часто сталкивается при этом со своими ограничениями и не в состоянии помочь тем, кого любит. Младший брат Антон по имени Конрад быстро снова берет на себя роль защитника, до, пока драматические события не ставят детей в центр внимания. Антония и Конрад служат в имперской крепости Мюльхайзер, попадая в гущу ожесточенного конфликта в ландграфстве Гессен-Тюрингия, и становятся жертвами заговоров и интриг. Капитан рейтар не оставляет происке, чтобы не доставлять детям на земле ад, не догадываясь, что Антония его дочь.



Antoniusfeuer (Yvonne Bauer).

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