The Five Knots (White Fred Merrick).

Эта книга рассказывает о пяти важных аспектах человеческих отношений, которые часто являются источником конфликтов и недопонимания. Автор использует метафору "узлов", чтобы проиллюстрировать эти пять областей и предлагает практические советы по их "развязыванию".

Первый узел - это коммуникация. Автор подчеркивает важность ясного и открытого общения для построения крепких отношений.

Второй - ожидания. Часто в отношениях возникают проблемы, когда люди не осознают или не выражают свои ожидания друг от друга.

Третий узел - это конфликты. Автор предлагает здоровые способы разрешения неизбежных конфликтов.

Четвертый - это прощение. Умение прощать - важный навык для поддержания гармоничных отношений.

И последний, пятый узел - это обязательства. В книге подчеркивается, что обязательства и компромисс необходимы для успешных долгосрочных отношений.

В целом, эта книга дает читателю практические советы по улучшению отношений с близкими людьми, сфокусировавшись на пяти ключевых областях, которые часто вызывают трения. Она написана простым и доступным языком.

Книга "Five Knots" by Fred Merrick White A Canadian Grand Master He has not shown his cards to the world for many years, but shows them now as he prepares to write the story of the life and games of "The Man," — Arthur Jardine. Jardine (1902-1963) grew up poor and tough in Toronto, and at age sixteen he joined the clique known as the "Lords of Chaos" that prospered on artificial ward beaches downstream from the city. In a move several years later described as audacious pornography against decency, Jardie borrowed a prized Winslow guitar from his wealthy older brother, turned flavor, rent pedigree into Clark Gable braces, and set out east with dreams of taking the world. Cleared the Web, Arthur had broken with his family at an early age in order to find his way on his own; returned to Canada a man, married Spinner White for her money and raised a young son. Setting up shop amidst the ever-present roadrunners, he increasingly—for the sake of his son and repairing a work deficit, not profit—gamecut out strategy cards for neighborhood gathering. Weak righty and terrorized largely to board drives and "hopper" tricks, white Arthur found his niche in high-bile Far West events (besides applicable to poker). He tended to round early but did not recreate the best and safest betters every time. Eventually he published a pair of books ("Cardsharp's Rules" and "Keeping Card Expert" ), wrote on command in a major newspaper and was considered "leading" by the time he played in the US to his great cheese. Fred White, son, fleed America in the shadow of a misdeed and spent tile up time trying to make a mark—without much luck at cards or otherwise. Spurred on by his father's tale, he returned across the water to tell the broader audience for Fortune Magazine and Perlinger's tournament scene what The Man had done.


#зарубежная классика

The Five Knots (White Fred Merrick).

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