Probability and Finance (Vladimir Vovk).

"Probability and Finance" is a book written by Vladimir Vovk, covering the fundamentals of probability based on the game theory approach instead of the measure-theoretic approach. The book offers a strong philosophical perspective on probability with practical applications in various fields of science and finance. Along with traditional topics in probability theory, it introduces new conceptual approaches to this field as well. This book is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to understand probability theory from a different perspective and is suitable for both students and professionals in the field of finance and other areas.

Книга "Вероятность и финансы", автор Владимир Вовк, предоставляет основу для теории вероятности, основанной на теории игр, а не на теории меры. Это подчеркивает философский подход с практическими приложениями. Она охватывает глубоко классическую теорию вероятности и новую теорию.


#зарубежная деловая литература

#корпоративные финансы

#финансовый менеджмент

Probability and Finance (Vladimir  Vovk).

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