Oliver Goldsmith: A Biography (Вашингтон Ирвинг).

"Oliver Goldsmith: A Biography" - это биография английского писателя Оливера Голдсмита, написанная Робертом Ирвином. Книга охватывает жизнь и творчество Голдсмита, начиная с его раннего детства на Ирландии до его смерти в Лондоне в 1774 году. Автор рассматривает различные аспекты жизни и карьеры Голдсмита, включая его образование, работу врачом, литературную деятельность и личную жизнь. Книга также описывает сложности, с которыми сталкивался Голдсмит в процессе создания своих произведений, а также его взаимоотношения с другими писателями и литературными фигурами своего времени. В целом, "Oliver Goldsmith: A Biography" представляет собой исчерпывающее описание жизни и творчества одного из величайших писателей XVIII века.

Oliver Goldsmith. A Life. By Washington Irving.

To understand a book one should not necessarily embrace it if one has never heard of it. If you have not met Oliver Goldsmith before it might be good for you to have a look at Washington Irving's devoted biography. This poet is an author of brilliant sentiments and beautiful thoughts united in a smooth flow of prose. Their authors comes from an old English family with its proud history; his is as noble as Goldsmith's one was shattered. He knew the grandeur of the nobility and knew how hard it was to lose it... But this light-hearted narrative briefly flashes over the sadness of his tragedy. The intersection between the pain and sweetness equally permeates the vivid life sketch of Goldsmith for the sole reason that such ancient and dignified style is a religious experience for true literary connoisseurs. To speak of the deceased poet in glowing terms and refer to his creative genius with the utmost respect amply demonstrates why his collected writings are a priceless and quintessential repository of emotional power and aesthetic arrangement. Just as Oliver Goldsmith inspired so many he also enmeshed Washington Irving in his sphere of influence. This marvel of literature is a timeless treasure for any scholar on the history of poetry or insightful reader of prose poetry. You will not regret reading Washington Irving as much as you will miss the opportunity to glimpse upon this precious specimen of humanity gone by in such fine manual flight as literature has long had. For only when roads intersect do the weaker ones stand a chance at winning against the mighty.


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Oliver Goldsmith: A Biography (Вашингтон Ирвинг).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Oliver Goldsmith: A Biography
  • Автор: Вашингтон Ирвинг
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain