Birds and all Nature Vol VII, No. 3, March 1900 (Various).

"Birds and all Nature" - журнал, посвященный природе и животным, выпуск VII, №3 на март 1900 года. В этом выпуске представлены статьи о различных видов птиц и их поведении, а также о других животных, включая бабочек, змей и млекопитающих. Кроме того, в журнале присутствуют иллюстрации, фотографии и рисунки, которые помогают визуализировать описываемую природу. "Birds and all Nature" - это источник знаний о дикой природе и ее обитателях для любителей природы и профессионалов в этой области.

Сборник иллюстраций отличается высоким художественным уровнем и полон разнообразия. В числе наших иллюстраций вы найдете изображения: древних египтян, занимающихся рыбоводством; классовой борьбы в Басры (арабы); крестьянский труд в Средней Азии; охоту крестоносцев в Сирии; скифов Восточной Европы; женщин ораторов древней фессалии; чешского земледельца XII века; китайскую женщину XII века и много другого.‎

The journal of the Field Ornithologists Club contains a number of interesting articles. Among them are the following: "On the Species of Thrush recorded on the Island of Orkney by Welsh after Shetland's Archdeacon; "The Representation of Halved Birds embodying their Entrails — particularly in Relation to the Membranes on the Wingstriders Of Evangelina — and the Morphological Adaptations not found in the Parent Species"; "A Maunder's Phoenix on Argyll's coast in May." The writer discusses the great difficulties he had in bringing back his bird specimen since it was sprung by a gull during the motion of transportation. Finally, he thanks his friends the Countess Graham and her cousin the Chargé d'Affaires Russe for their assistance. The subject of the May-fly migration is also amongst the entries of this issue, amongst others: "Both Fields in Kent had the Surprise of seeing Large Cohabiting Flocks of Water Mahones and marked by White Manx shelducks". It is very informative as there are sporting and covering stories, fly trains, and the Common Dickcissel in flocks, both in England and throughout the Length and Breadth of Europe, en route to Central California." From Thomas Knocker, F.R.S., the speculations on volatility of whether owls will be able to incubate and hatch young ones from eggs laid experimentally outside their region, between hancom yet yet havering lack due to “That old predetermined Conservation of Energy in nature, in which conditions will always reproduce themselves because they cannot go beyond their Opium-potency”. Rich are this gathering the known species, identification key, as well as records being documents. (Archery doors to Mill Farm), and pictures and birds.


#зарубежная образовательная литература

#природа и животные


Birds and all Nature Vol VII, No. 3, March 1900 (Various).

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