Ra und seine Freunde (U. R. Basler).

Ra and his Friends, by U.R. Basler, takes readers on a journey through time to an alternate universe where nothing is the same as they knew it.

The story revolves around a group of five friends, a boy named Ra who lives in Berlin with his father, his sister Nina, and their best friend Yan, who have gone on a time trip to the past when a small technical error happens that allows them to get stuck in a distant timeline.

With the help of an alien called Roy, the children find themselves in 1950s East Berlin, where they meet an eclectic group of characters including a bandleader, a haunted building, and a cynical journalist. As they navigate through unexpected twists and turns, Ra and his friends are drawn into a series of exhilarating adventures and sparks of friendship.

In this action-packed and lyrical tale, Basler



Ra und seine Freunde (U. R. Basler).

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