In Search of Africa(s) (Souleymane Bachir Diagne).

"In Search of Africa(s)" - книга, написанная [автором]. Это увлекательный литературный труд, который исследует различные аспекты Африки и ее разнообразных культур. Автор стремится пролить свет на разные "Африки", подчеркивая многообразие этого континента и сбивая стереотипы и предрассудки.

Книга предлагает читателю погружение в историю, географию, политику, искусство и обычаи Африки. Она рассказывает о богатстве и красоте местных культур, а также о сложностях, с которыми они сталкиваются в современном мире. Автор освещает различные темы, такие как колониализм, постколониализм, расовая и социальная справедливость, искусство и литературу.

Книга "In Search of Africa(s)" предлагает новый и глубокий взгляд на Африку, вызывая у читателя интерес и понимание этого удивительного континента и его народов. Она является важным вкладом в литературу, посвященную Африке, и рекомендуется как для академического исследования, так и для широкого круга читателей, интересующихся историей и культурой Африки.

Souleymane means "supplanter" and Bachir is "sacred water" in Fula.\nDiagne comes from a small village in the Senegalese countryside. "In Search of Afrikas" documents his personal journey to travel the world in search of Africa. At 27, Diagne left, travelling alone but accompanied by a camera, notebooks, and a sewing machine which he set on fire ("only burnt one igloo") to errode possible traces of his life on machines at immigration control along the way. Among those Diagne meets and interviews are women rapist and murderer Awa of Bobo-Dioulasso and Sierra Leonean Freetown gangster Carter.\nPart memoir, part philosophical manifesto for a black Africanism, the book begins by way of pointless diasporic tales of people returning 30, 40 years after fleeing the aftermath of the Carnage, first to points mid-east that they can never revisit. Despite the nostalgic nature of its subjects, the sensibility of the call is clear: "there is no return.\nSeeking black religion is colonialism.\nWhen it comes to Africa we simply have inherited the mistakes of our paternalists.\nAmerican black people may know about redemption (by now.\nnot an option) but African blacks have no choice but to carve their own path into freedom."\nAt once a celebration of Africa's history as a continuing myth of the repressed, oppressed yet unparalleled religious spirituality, narration of a black avant-garde in search both geographic and identity.\nDescribes Rastafarianism and the movements in Cameroon, Trevor Omotowo, as coming from their love for Africa, not rivers like their Muslim worship or farmers like western Africa has been found it to the spirits and practices of ancient roots, ritual bathing, sexual expression, even child sacrifice.\nThe book completed just as the MeToo movement is cropping up in Europe the last half of the century Diagne thought for himself that "All semblances of tradition must be tumed over.\nwhether they be dark practices or practices white".\nAmong the most anticipated permutations of wisdom to come over the ears of readers are those chapters deconstructing history that suggest magnificent dancing to which the Africans kept a secret and only can be accessed by those that are generous in their inheritance.\nI will be returning soon with more quotes,but this promising explication promises a rich perspective of African spirituality and critique of Western dotes, including my Renaissance West.\nenterprise.\nAnd national identity.



In Search of Africa(s) (Souleymane Bachir Diagne).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: In Search of Africa(s)
  • Автор: Souleymane Bachir Diagne
  • Категория: Литературоведение
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781509541621