Serbisch: Vokabeltrainer A1 zum Buch Idemo dalje 1 - lateinische Schrift (Snezana Stefanovic).

"Serbian Vocabulary Trainer A1 - for the book 'Idemo Dalje 1'" Автор - Снежана Стефанович. "Serbian Workbook A1 - the book ‘Andiamo’" is used as an adjunct to the main coursebook “Serbian: Andiamo”, corresponding to students who have reached the level of elementary school. The topic vocabulary in the Wordlist and the examples that accompany the words in each line are designed to help students make connections between new and existing topics. In addition to that, the originality of the training course-the author has created a special array of ways to actively use the alphabet: the system "Getting to know your alphabets" has been developed. An additional benefit of this method is the reduced likelihood of forgetting the placement of certain letters and building a continuous chain of associations from the first letter of words in various fields. It is possible to study and consolidate vocabulary at home and in class simultaneously if necessary.

At the moment, the Book "Serbia learn" and its accompanying material are published in Cyrillic transcription. However, it is recommended to start learning Russian from the initial Latin transcription, which ensures the early accustoming of the child to the modern Latin alphabet in the medium of

Этот словарь является приложением к книге "Сербскiй iдемо далће 1", уровень А1, для начинающих. Словарь содержит слова, выражения и идеи в алфавитном порядке в латинской транскрипции. Каждая запись сопровождается примером предложения на немецком языке.


#учебная литература

Serbisch: Vokabeltrainer A1 zum Buch Idemo dalje 1 - lateinische Schrift (Snezana Stefanovic).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Serbisch: Vokabeltrainer A1 zum Buch Idemo dalje 1 - lateinische Schrift
  • Автор: Snezana Stefanovic
  • Категория: Учебная литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783754163009