Summary, Analysis, and Review of Ron Chernow's Alexander Hamilton (Unabridged) (Start Publishing Notes).

Эта книга включает краткое содержание книги, ее анализ и ключевые тезисы, а также подробную информацию об авторе.

В книге Рон Черроу рассказывает о жизни Александра Гамильтона, гения отцов-основателей, потрясающего человека с идеальным образованием, человека из народа, которого приняли в высшем обществе

Ron Chernow – Александр Гамильтон (не сокращенная версия)

Краткий обзор, анализ и отзывы на книгу Рона Черноу «Александр Гамильтон». Каждое из этих произведений включает различные формы передачи информации о книге и ключевом современном авторе. Запись "Краткий обзор" содержит обзор и основные моменты содержания книги. "Анализ" представляет собой информацию об авторах, руководство для исследования деятельности, и анализ произведения. "Отзывы" включают обзор и анализ мнений других читателей и критиков. Страна: США Дата публикации: 4 июня 2016 г. Edition: Международный уровень бумаги: Плотная бумага, твердый переплет Высококачественная печать. Страницы с аккуратным пронумерованным расположением, хорошо оформленный буклет. Эта всеобъемлющая биография охватывает не только жизнь знаменитого политического деятеля, но также анализирует его идеи, деловой путь и влияния. Биография подробно рассказывает о жизни выдающегося Гамильтона, великого разума отцов-основателей и непростого человека, оказавшегося среди. Кроме того, автор говорит об идеальной моделе для рекмендации политических взглядов, с ее экономическими и политическими теориями, отметил источники его мечтаний и взгляды на общество, экономику и политику. Чтобы понять, как окружающая среда и психология Гамильтона влияли на его идеи и убеждения, нужно окунуться в историю его происхождения, происходившего на остраве Санто-Кристобаль. Это делает историю этого писателя весьма привлекательной для тех, кто готов глубже понять многогранность их личности.

Summary, Analysis & Review by Start Publishing Notes of Ron Chernows "Alexander Hamilton"

Please note that this summary is not of the actual book, but rather a key takeaway and review of the work. You can find the actual full-length unabridged version of "Alexander Hamilton," which Ron Chernow based his book on, at Our desired summary, analysis, and review writes as follows:

Ron Chernow details in great depth the incredible life of one of the most impactful figures within the founding generation, Alexander Hamilton. The most amazing thing about Hamilton is the story of his life: He grew up under the worst circumstances imaginable, as a slave. Saved from the cruelty of other slaves, he was sold by his owner to a cruel woman known as "The Slave-Owner of Accomac." When he turned around and took revenge on her, she stabbed him. His own brother tried to steal him off of her, so he could be sold to another person.

Despite this incredibly difficult life, Hamilton did not lose heart. From a dire beginning, he rose through the ranks of those deemed worthless and became one of America's foremost statesmen. Hamilton even rose as high as being considered for Being Made a "First Lord of the Treasury," a position of ultimate power in Congress and Colonial America. Alexander and his strength of character were manifested in his advice of both the establishment of a central financial institution serving as the Land Bank of the United States, and for the creation of an Independent Judicial Branch. Americans found themselves agreeable to these ideas, either due to their personal belief in these concepts or due to Hamilton's eloquence in describing their importance.

An ounce of Robin Hood inhim, Hamilton lobbied for the support of those who, ideologically speaking, would have been the opposition to whom he advocated. Excitingly, Chornow explores how much Hamilton thought about many of these decisions, including the ideology of slavery. Ferguson talks about his Anarcho-Republican leanings helping his cause, according to historians such as Howard M. Sachse.\nIn 1799, shortly after their election, Hamilton and his colleagues put on a play that famously became the blueprint for what later defined the GOP. Tragedy was playing out, and this production of "Olympe," was a tragedy magnificent in display. Hamilton interpreted the demise of Jay's character as one rising number toward a future revolution in political thinking known to later generations as liberal democracy.\nFerner, Alexander'shoughts bared deeply in discussions throughout his life. As recently as the 1800 House of Representatives debate, he came to position himself as the champions of Free Trade and gortavia Primitive Accumulation of Wealth. In 1820 Democratic-Republicans would argue that in an interview, Hamilton promised to oppose Jackson's tariff and defensive tariff policies, because they forced smaller private industry and land owners into bankruptcy. Unlike his eventual opposite number, Jackson, who believed in free-trade, well before the American promoted the balance of trade amendment; the first tenet of all reactionary moderates to gain power, threats will no longer be appropriate to be made against them.\nAlexander Hamadiof the manuscript awaits his official Awaits Approbnation. Then, we may know which America the history books knew, but we still do not. Time, Yet, brings with it uncertainty, mystery, and more questions about our Founding Father, who truly revolutionized modern United States discourse. Don't you think?


#учебная литература


Summary, Analysis, and Review of Ron Chernow's Alexander Hamilton (Unabridged) (Start Publishing Notes).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Summary, Analysis, and Review of Ron Chernow's Alexander Hamilton (Unabridged)
  • Автор: Start Publishing Notes
  • Категория: Учебная литература
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 9781520094793