The book "Dark Hearts" written by Sharon Sala tells the story of Betsy Jakes, a young woman who dreams about the murder of her mother and starts having terrifying nightmares. After returning to her hometown, Betsy's brother Sam finds that the mother's murder was committed by a serial killer, and together they begin to investigate the case.

Meanwhile, Sam learns that his old friend and ex-girlfriend, Lainey Pickett, has recently moved back to town, and the two have a difficult reunion. Although Sam and Lainey used to have a close relationship, they had broken up after Sam left their relationship unexplained years ago.

As Sam and Betsy continue their investigation, strange events occur that shed light on thirty-years-old family secrets and ties between the two families. As the truth about Sam and his family comes out, feelings and emotions that had been buried come rearing up, both causing Sam to race against time as he searches for both solutions and the answers he never knew to questions that he couldn't imagine.


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#исторические приключения


Dark Hearts (Sharon Sala).

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