It Started With One Night (Miranda Lee).

"Он началось с одной ночи"

Tara была любовницей австралийского магната отельного бизнеса Макса Ричмонда. Она любила Макса не за подарки, которые он ей дарил, не за их гламурную жизнь и даже не за их страстные любовные свидания. Но кто слышал о беременной любовнице?

"Его невеста на одну ночь"

Успешный адвокат по разводам Дэниел Бэнистер был уверен, что такое понятие, как любовь, не существует. Он жил, не связывая себя никакими узами. Так почему же Дэниел встретил и женился на Шарлотте Гейл в течение 24 часов?

"Хозяин ее добродетели"

Застенчивая и осторожная Вайолет всегда старалась обезопасить себя. Теперь она принимает каждое приглашение и ищет мужчину, который соблазнит ее... Входит Лео Вульф, известный кинорежиссер, властный и привлекательный. Но готова ли Вайолет на самом деле?

It's Never Just One Time: Tales of Infidelity Ann TaggartHandsome Dan Moffitt always found it easy to sleep his way through relationships, but when he falls for Jynne, the bane of his existence, this reckless playboy realizes he may have met his match.\nWith the help of his best friend, Lee, Dan hopes to charm Jynne into lazing around with him.\nOnly problems crop up when Jynne's snobby oldest sister wants her free-spirited sister to settle down with an insurance broker.\nMatters become even more complicated when Jynnn announces she only has eyes for Dan... obsessed much?\nPerfection Seeker: How Marriages Fall Apart And Get Better Carole DianeBev Wilde always thought she was fairy tale in love.\nBuckwheat, her rich, handsome pilot beau thought that too.\nWhen their getaway plane crashes, they realize that marrying under false pretenses might not have been the best idea in the world for their tumultuous relationship.\nCan they stick together when the real them faces everything they're telling themselves they find wrong?

If you haven't read "It Started with One Night" by Miranda Lee, here is an abridged description that I prepared for you:

In "The Magnate's Mistress," Tara embarks on a dangerous affair with hotel magnate, Max Richmond, despite her lover, Lance, and her marriage to Lance's best friend, Steve. Of course, of all the relationships in Tara's life, Tara loves only Max.

Daniel Bannister's successful life takes a turn when he meets and marries Charlotte Gale after only twenty-four short hours. Their arrangement allows Daniel and Charlotte to avoid the burdens of commitment and disappointment. However, when Daniel begins to fall in love with his new bride, he finds himself questioning his decision to have married Charlotte so quickly.

Violet Montgomery, a shy and reserved woman, is determined to control her sexual desires. After meeting Leo Wolfe at a party, Violet uses her wiles to convince him that she is a free spirit who enjoys dating without commitments. When Violet discovers that Leo is not interested in casual sex, she leaves his side. Violet finds herself torn between her desire to experience true love and her determination to remain the virtuous woman she has become.


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It Started With One Night (Miranda Lee).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: It Started With One Night
  • Автор: Miranda Lee
  • Категория: Зарубежная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Из Серий: Mills & Boon M&B
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781474035460