Get Off Your But. How to End Self-Sabotage and Stand Up for Yourself (Sean Stephenson).

"Вдохновляющая книга Шона Стивенсона "Как прекратить саботировать себя и встать на защиту" учит нас преодолевать внутренние барьеры и ограничения, мешающие достичь успеха и счастья.

Автор, несмотря на редкое генетическое заболевание, ограничивающее рост, сумел найти в себе силы жить полной жизнью. Его история вдохновляет нас перестать жалеть себя, винить обстоятельства и начать действовать.

В книге множество практических советов и упражнений, помогающих развивать уверенность в себе, ставить цели и достигать их. Автор учит, как перестать бояться осуждения окружающих и жить в соответствии со своими ценностями и мечтами. Это мотивирующее чтение для тех, кто готов взять ответственность за свою жизнь в свои руки".

How to End Self Sabotage by Sean StephensonA message you did n't know you needed Want to know how to end self sabotage once and for all and understand how this paradigm shift can apply to personal and professional life situations ? Worry no more!Witness Sean Stephenson ’ s experiential and soul searching manuscript A Roadmap of Self Development as you learn about how your thoughts, actions, underlying beliefs, and patterns of behavior can form you both personally and professionally ( how diasporic you hold on to them ).- Discover and free yourself from self-defeating beliefs - Mend and grow from those misunderstandings which hinder your growth and success in life - Study the various types of self sabotaging behavior causing challenges in real-life settings such as friendships and romantic relationships - Learn plausible strategies and tools for dismantling self sabotaged patterns in present context and gradually transition them to concrete action - Doors will unlock that have previously been locked for you- Rub this into an opportunity of critical wisdom allowing you to evaluate components of your habits, belief systems, and lifestyle which you may willingly wish to discard or replace - Quiet and musings admitting that falling into the trap of self demoralization is pervasive and seemingly resolvably entrenched prevents you from seeing the white spots which you can modify, manipulate and finally put to disposal, thus propelling you a step closer to true self value and incredible growth In the win,… Besides learning how to lighten self sabotagement, grip desperation, and release the challenges navigating through the day in your attempt to live the life of your passion and purpose, discover practical applications about integrating concepts, strategies, and suggestions from Stephenson into your own everyday life, enabling you to gain confidence, authority, admiration, and stability. Unlike the bashful and abstract concepts espoused by others, these competitive, powerful guidelines aid you in attaining tangible end results. Who are you to resile before seizing this momentous opportunity to develop your quotient of power, resiliency, balance, grounding, trust, compassion, and love? Your awakening awaits, is truly Wellness Bliss Balance, one page at a time. Grab your copy of How To End Self


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Get Off Your But. How to End Self-Sabotage and Stand Up for Yourself (Sean  Stephenson).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Get Off Your But. How to End Self-Sabotage and Stand Up for Yourself
  • Автор: Sean Stephenson
  • Категория: Общая психология
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9780470448045