Some Portraits by Raeburn (Unabridged) (Robert Louis Stevenson).

This collection of unpublished poems by Robert Louis Stevens offers a glimpse into the writer's soul and senses. Written in the form of intimate, poetic portraits that combine intense emotion and honest reflections.

Throughout the novel, Stevenson explores the complexities and conflicts that stem from personal experiences through his characters, including those of himself and his close friends and acquaintances, in a form more casual and candid than a traditional, literary novel.

Unlike many other collections of poems considered important by Stevenson, this selection contains songs and musical sketches. As such, the "portraits" become visible without the need for narration or even direct word framing. They are seen as visions and reverie captured on paper, much like

Стихотворения и баллады замечательного поэта и романиста Роберта Льюиса Стивенсона, представленные в серии "Посмертные сочинения Р. Л. Стивенсона" всего лишь пятым томом полного собрания сочинений шотландского классика. В него вошли его избранные поэмы и песни, а также стихотворения, которые автор создавал десятилетиями. Книга адресована самому широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся поэзией и историей литературы.


#зарубежная классика

Some Portraits by Raeburn (Unabridged) (Robert Louis Stevenson).

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