God’s Little Book of Calm (Richard Daly).

Эта замечательная маленькая книга вкратце содержит слова, которые могут вернуть чувство благополучия и покоя. Каждая страница содержит вдохновляющую мысль или идею вместе с соответствующей библейской ссылкой для дальнейшего чтения и ободрения. «Не работа нас изнашивает, а печаль, тревога и беспокойство. Для Бога все ваши скорби достойны внимания». Эта замечательная подборка духовных мыслей восстанавливает покой нашего разума и освежает наши сердца, позволяя нам справляться с предстоящими трудностями. Наполненная духовными сокровищами, эта книга вновь и вновь докажет свою ценность во всех случаях, когда жизнь становится слишком тяжелой: «Разговор с кем-то о ваших проблемах или опасениях уменьшает боль на 50%, поэтому, когда все остальные подводят, Бог просто говорит: «Приди ко Мне». «Беспокойство слепо и не может предвидеть будущее. Но Бог видит конец от начала, и в каждой трудности Он приготовил Свой путь для облегчения».

A wonderful little book that provides powerful words that can totally restore our sense of well-being and inner peace is God's Little Book of Calm by Richard Daly. Each page contains fascinating Spiritual thoughts or ideas combined with relevant Bible references to further explore and be encouraged by these words of wisdom that surround us throughout this short life. Daly addresses daunting issues such as sadness, tension, worry, dealing with illness and ageing, "To God, your sorrows are infinitely precious."It is not our jobs, responsibility or the activities around that exhaust us, and it can be overwhelming sometimes, but it is sadness, stress and worry that does that. Fortunately, God cares about our depths of hurt.The book demonstrates and recalls principles that promote inner healing and allows us to rest in the presence of God and to find refreshment and tenderness within our hearts facing the challenges before us. This spiritual collection will remain a favourite and add to the collection of treasures found only in God's book which will continue to offer its value over and over again even when it seems that life itself offers too much.Daly admires the power of relating one's worries or fears to someone close who not only acknowledges one's concerns but also removes the distress in half! Other wise known as hearing or confessing, it not just cheerless, fulfilling one's painful undertakings but adds large amount of relief,"Worry destroys vision and can't see in perpetual belief to their very end."Anxiety is confusing and can impenetrable to whatever lies down the line in any direction, however, he sums up God assists you see the conclusion even from the beginning - at which point immediately after seeing the adversity through his opportunity has been provided to give freshness and relieve your agony."


#саморазвитие / личностный рост

God’s Little Book of Calm (Richard  Daly).

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