The Learning and Teaching of Reading and Writing (Rhona Stainthorp).

Книга “The Learning and Teaching of Reading and Writing” авторства Rhona Stainthorp описывает уникальный подход к взаимодействию между учителем и учеником во время часа чтения и письма в хороших школах. Она основана на подробных наблюдениях в городских начальных школах, которые были признаны эффективными и развивающимися. Анализ основывается на современных исследованиях по развитию и преподаванию ранней грамотности. В книге приводятся практические примеры того, как учителя и школы могут адаптировать свою работу для развития грамотности, когда они переходят к большей творческой работе в обучении чтению и письму. Анализ начинается в классах трех опытных учителей начального уровня первой ступени и расширяется до более широкой среды школ и их старших управленческих команд. Важной темой, проходящей через всю книгу, является то, как три учителя смогли сделать исключительные предложения для своих учеников, которые в основном были носителями второго языка и принадлежали к социально-экономически неблагополучным группам. Успешная практика учителей выросла из их понимания как раннего развития грамотности, так и планирования индивидуальных потребностей. Информация, содержащаяся в этой книге, позволит

This book offers a unique account of teacher–pupil interactions during Literacy Lessons in well-performing primary schools from a school where the teaching was found to be effective for pupils' learning. Its analytical framework is informed by recent research about the processes of young children's literacy learning and its teaching. Cases studies show how teachers share their practices to enhance literacy teaching as realistically as possible, drawing on their creative approaches to reading and writing to seek ever greater impact upon their pupils. This study focuses particularly on three masters of Key Stage One practitioners and extends it to investigate how their interventions function in both the classroom and the local school environment as well as their cooperation with their Headteachers. One crucial thread within the book pertains to how these teachers uniquely responded to their pupils' remarkably varied backgrounds, including use of the first language and socio-economic disadvantages, by pulling off an inspiring performance. These masters researchers not only improved their pupils', but also drew upon research findings to develop and orient their practices effectively. What is provided in this book benefits students beginning a teaching career, newly qualified practitioners as well as teachers desiring to improve their Literacy teaching in similar proficient ways.

This book provides a detailed account of teaching reading and writing in classrooms. Its data are based on close observations of real classrooms in urban areas, which were recognized as effective – improving reading levels. The research behind the analysis focuses on new developments and trends in promoting early literacy and competence in reading.The book also shows practial examples of teachers’ initiatives to adapt teaching methodology for reading; promoting greater creativity. Analysis begins initially in the rooms of 3 outstanding key stage 1 teachers, then extends to wider groups of schools and senior officials.A significant theme that runs through the whole book is the remarkable ways that teachers provided their pupils (majority were speakers of a second language and belonged to socially disadvantaged strata of society) with exceptional teaching. Teachers’ impressive experience originated in a solid understanding of children’s early literacy development, and weeding out individual needs.This book’s information can be used by student teachers or recently qualified professionals, and experienced teachers wanting to enhance their skills in reading teaching to replicate teacher practice with similar beneficial outcomes.


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The Learning and Teaching of Reading and Writing (Rhona  Stainthorp).

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