Aerial Life. Spaces, Mobilities, Affects (Peter Adey).

Книга "Aerial Life. Spaces, Mobilities, Affects" исследует значение развития и трансформации воздушного транспорта для общества и отдельных людей. Автор объединяет несколько междисциплинарных подходов к изучению самолета и его связи с обществом, и представляет оригинальную теорию, согласно которой наше общество является аэромобильным обществом, или "аэреалитетом", и показывает, как мы одновременно облегчаем и угрожаем воздушной мобильностью. Книга содержит ряд подробных международных кейс-стади, которые отображают историю авиации за последний век - от обещаний ранних полетов до бомбардировок во время Второй мировой войны и до возникновения международного терроризма сегодня. Автор демонстрирует трансформационный потенциал воздушного транспорта для формирования общества, тел и индивидуальных идентичностей. Кроме того, книга предлагает поразительные исторические доказательства и новые смелые идеи о том, как социальные и материальные пространства самолета рассматриваются в современной эпохе. Книга была номинирована и вошла в список претендентов на премию Surveillance Studies Book Prize 2011.

The following description was supplied by the publisher:

Winner of the SSRC 2009 Research Book Prize for Women's Health Research and the 2010 New Frontiers in Sexual Science Innovative Book Award. This work offers an interdisciplinary exploration of aerial life and travel, documenting and theorizing the development of modes of mobility through the air over the last century, and assessing the implications for societies, individuals, sexualities and subjectivities. Adey argues in this groundbreaking book that the idea of humankind as being seated in the geographical communities known as nations and states is increasingly under threat, because a highly developed form of aerial mobility has developed alongside globalization, linking different political entities at ever higher speeds. Empirically grounded in international regions of importance, such as the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Europe including trans-national Istanbul, Adey uses previously neglected stories of sexual encounters in air travel to re-negotiate entanglements between societies. She demonstrates the conjunctures which have been produced by travelers whose mobilities have conjured globally proximate and yet geographically distant sexual subjectivities, and simultaneously investigates regional family relationships shaped and reshaped by repeated interactions with a changing North Atlantic geopolitics from cabin airlines to anti-aircraft bombings during the Second World War. At once emblematic and subversive when it comes to conventions of pedagogy, method and representational rigor, Adey extends the recent body of work in Visual Ethnographies involving elders and informal knowledge, that focus on cigarettes precisely, sharing cigarettes, ageing and as she puts it - ascendancy to a global power position via the host of methods and technologies that are transforming the world we ought to be.


#научно-популярная литература


Aerial Life. Spaces, Mobilities, Affects (Peter  Adey).

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