Monte Carlo Methods, Volume 1 (Paula Whitlock A.).

Это введение в методы Монте-Карло стремится выявить и изучить объединяющие элементы, которые лежат в основе их эффективного применения. Оно сосредоточено на двух основных темах. Первая - это важность случайных блужданий, как они возникают в естественных стохастических системах и в их связи с интегральными и дифференциальными уравнениями. Вторая тема - это снижение дисперсии вообще и важная выборка в частности как техника эффективного использования методов. Случайные блуждания вводятся на элементарном примере, в котором моделирование переноса излучения возникает непосредственно из схематического вероятностного описания взаимодействия излучения с веществом. Опираясь на этот пример, очерчивается связь между случайными блужданиями и интегральными уравнениями. Применимость этих идей к другим проблемам показана ясным и простым введением в решение уравнения Шредингера случайными блужданиями. Подробное обсуждение снижения дисперсии включает оценку Монте-Карло конечномерных интегралов. Особое внимание уделяется важной выборке, отчасти из-за ее внутреннего интереса в квадратуре, отчасти из-за ее общей полезности в решении интегральных уравнений. Одной значимой особенностью является то, что методы Монте-Карло рассматривают "алгоритм Метрополиса" в контексте методов выборки, четко отличая его от важной выборки. Физики, химики, статистики, математики и ученые-компьютерщики найдут в этой книге полное и стимулирующее введение в методы Монте-Карло.

This introduction to MonteCarlo Methods Intellectually unveils and analyzes the common and unifying grounds underlying their success being applied. Its emphasis focuses on 2 core facets. The 1st topic is the weighting of random walk solutions, since they simulate natural probabilistic systems and their correlative integral and partial differential equations. Alongside this theme, the area of standard variance cuts, and curiosity responsible for importance sampling become as a process for efficiency using them. Randomly guided are commenced with a primordial model where the manipulation of radiology movement lies directly tied into a typical probabilistic commercial description toward the convergence amid radiology and matter. Afterwards, this standard implementation derives to describe integral equations and utilities of these principles in fitting arrangement. The validity of these speculations in other problems are manufactured visible through a clearly presented analysis deriving the Shrodinger alongside random walks. In regards to variance cutting, including MonteCarlo assessment of multimedia capabilities, relevance gets related to high regression. Much curiosity is centered on importance sampling because of it inherent involvement with graph calculi, opposite to it generality in the procedure of integral equation solution. Among this works a noticeable attribute is that whilst presenting the "Metropolis pick" in the lens of sampling programs, easily sparing it from high regression and calibration. Physical Scientists, extremely minded researchers, measurement specialists, mathematical analysts, and software designers in these lines will locate MonteCarlo Methods a wholly rounded and invigorating introductory experience.

This introductory book to Monte Carlo methods attempts to examine and reveal the common threads underlying their reliable use. It centers around two overarching subject matters. The initial one is the great importance of stochastically fluctuating movements that exist in both naturally occurring stochastic couplets and their links to differential and integro-differential equations. A parallel issue is the task of consistently decreasing measurement error across the board and, in particular, designing probable procedures (the Monte Carlo method) to achieve efficient trial implementation of those methods. Stochastically accumulating motions are brought to prominence via the establishment of a primary example where radiation transmission form modeling arises naturally from a basic transition prospect probability description of scientific radiation-matter interaction. Building thereon, the transition between stochastically movable patterns and integrated courses is traced. That model’s applicability to different problems is suggested with a straightforward and down-to-earth rotation of techniques to finding solutions to the Schrödinger equation using radical locomotion methods. The extended exploration of error variance comprises Monte Carlo assessment of finite dimensional integrals. Specific focus is put onto creation darlings; partly because of their intrinsic exhibition in quadratures, partly due to their consistently valuable employment in solving various integrated equations. Monte Carlo Procedures characterizes the Metropolis algorithm in the merit of sampling numerical procedures, distinctively disclosing it in contrast to fortress darlings. Scientist, physical educators, statical professionals, college professionals and computer architects will discover Monte Carlo Techniques a thorough and invigorating introduction.


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Monte Carlo Methods, Volume 1 (Paula Whitlock A.).

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