The Importance of Being Earnest (English Edition) (Oscar Wilde).

_The Importance Of Being Earnest_ by Oscar Wild was originally performed in 1885, but was recently reprised for English audiences. This highly humorous play takes place within the middle class suburban area called *Pinner*, where everyone is at first misinformed about its significance to a family of society members. The story follows the lives of a young man Algernon and his good friend Freddy, who believe their being earnest in one endeavor to be positive to society. Meanwhile, the two watch as various people including a nurse try to take advantage of the two young men and make judgments on their characters. In essence, *The Importance* draws society into an unpleasant situation where behaviors, manners and expressions are carefully analyzed by characters we know, with laughter and sardonic remarks reflecting feelings of indignation.

The primary topic *of being earnest* is an exploration of stereotypes and the image portrayed by mass media and how these impressions shape societies views of individuals. Through this, Oscar Wild reveals that the concept of being earnest is often just a facade, letting the individual live up to inadequacies, rather than facing their full reality. Many readers see themselves in the story and, through reflecting on the effect of the notion of being earness, come to realize that they too may not be living up to their full potential.

The Importance Of Being Earnest Oscar Wilde An outstanding work of a delightful genius...both hilarious and well written, if you - - Why read it again? To change your opinion. The play should never mutter "wasted," but should always speak to you when you least expect it, never leave your side, elude other readings, haunt your house with its brightness and fire, refuse to disappear so cleverly into oblivion. You've never read it? Well, then, pick it up. And laugh, laugh, laugh. Learn to appreciate the clingsy brilliance of The Importance. This play's further ranged dungeons of Cerulean, Lichen and Dandelion Dream, swam with more gold than the looted treasure troves of Holland, with more sultriness than the trial honeymoon of Aristotle! It's time, dear, for you to have this hero. Get this hero now....



The Importance of Being Earnest (English Edition) (Oscar Wilde).

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