Voltaire's Candide is a satirical novel that explores the nature of optimism and free will in light of God's omnipotence and human predestination. The novel follows the simple-minded Candide as he embarks on a journey to find his father, who has left him unable to remember his name or where he grew up. On various occasions during his travels, Candide meets various characters who influence him in various ways. From the cynical Dutch sage Pangloss, to the wise Impostor, the cheerful Peasant and his daughter Chewbacchus, Candide learns many lessons about the effects of free will and predestination, while learning how to remain optimistic despite his clumsy adventures. As the novel concludes, Candide resolves to refrain from eating French nougats, as his experience has convinced him that ignorance is bliss.



Candide (Voltaire).

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