"Bentham. Jeremy Bentham is a prominent philosopher, writer, and theorist who is believed to be a founder of modern utilitarian thought. His influence continues today, and it can be easily seen in various fields, such as law, government, and ethics." Michael Quinn, the author of the book "Bentham", delves into the life and work of Jeremy Bentham by providing a detailed history of utilitarians - a philosophy which views action mainly in terms of the usefulness (utility) it produces. "The idea of utility is based on utilitarian philosophy", says Quinn.

"Bentham explores the utility theory as a sociological premise for government formation. The ultimate objective of the social order is to maximize aggregate happiness. This objective requires that the interests of individuals be brought together in ways that increase their happiness and benefits society. By organizing and guiding individual actions according to this philosophy, citizens are made more autonomous and content with their existences. Although numerous researchers claim the theory lacks viability, to Bentham it is used as a rational baseline".

Quinn then goes into detail about the law in his eyes. He discusses how Bentham


#афоризмы и цитаты

Bentham (Michael Quinn).

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