Jakob Szela (Ungekürzt) (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach).

“The German Dragon (Der Deutsche Drachen)” is a historical romance novel written by Marie von Ebners-Eschenburg. It tells the story of Marie, who becomes engaged to a wealthy and powerful doctor named Joseph due to her family's financial problems. However, after Joseph dies, Marie begins a romance with a handsome young soldier, Jakob.

The novel follows Marie's love story through war scenes, including her attempts to break the rules of society by running off with Jakob and engaging in dangerous adventures with him. While Marie does not approve of the violent conflicts she is part of, she follows Jakob through the lines of battle and into underground tunnels where he perishes fighting for the good cause.

Marie's emotional journey overcomes the obstacles she faces in learning how to live in the hard conditions of war. Throughout the story, she shows her love for freedom and the capability to embrace the risks needed to sustain herself and be able to do right. The novel’s storyline also highlights the character's efforts to come out of the horrors of war and begin a new chapter in their lives.


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Jakob Szela (Ungekürzt) (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach).

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