David Dunne (Maniates Belle Kanaris).

The Failing of the States of Europe (1986) is an analysis of the internal disintegration and failure of the European continent in the second half of the 20th century.

The author asserts that Europe's democratic system was in crisis due to a long series of crises, such as fascism, communism, and nationalism. He analyzes the last forty years of Cold War and argues that the Western powers played a major role in its consequences, eventually culminating in fall-out at the time of collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of Warsaw Pact. Furthermore, he notes that the European powers, including the United States, failed to bring about peace by employing either containment or revisionist strategies in conflict situations.

A few decades later many of the original factors have changed, but the "malaise" remains the same. He urges EU states to take steps to confront the challenges posed by unemployment, economic stagnation, the spread of "jihadism," NATO's failure to deploy against Islam terrorism, and the return of instability following some Muslim countries' invasions of their former colonies.

Известный автогонщик, семикратный чемпион Британской Формулы-1 Айвор Джайлз прекращает спортивную карьеру после жуткого столкновения в 1976 году, в котором погибла его жена, убитая сорвавшейся с крепления машиной безопасности. Джайлза преследует чувство вины, и он перебирает трагедию раз за разом в мыслях. Первым и единственным настоящим другом семьи после утраты жены стал ныне владелец винодельни небольшого греческого острова Беллан Канарис Ян Манятис, с которым они неожиданно сродни кровному родству.


#зарубежная классика

David Dunne (Maniates Belle Kanaris).

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