Roles and Responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer (Lucie Lapovsky).

Книга "Roles and Responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer" (Обязанности и роли главного финансового директора) описывает сложности, с которыми сталкиваются высшие учебные заведения в настоящее время, такие как повышенные требования к качеству образования, увеличивающаяся конкуренция за государственные и федеральные субсидии и проблемы интеграции технологий в учебный план. Главный финансовый директор (CFO) играет важную роль в управлении этими проблемами. В книге представлены эффективные стратегии для балансирования операционного и капитального бюджетов, максимизации доходов от зачисления студентов, управления расходами, планирования ресурсов для технологий, определения и управления рисками и инвестирования эндаумента с умом. Авторы обсуждают, как главный финансовый директор может установить позитивные отношения с ключевыми участниками финансового планирования и бюджетирования на кампусе, включая сотрудников по приему и финансовой помощи, законодательные органы и инвестиционный комитет. Книга является 107-м выпуском квартального журнала New Directions for Higher Education.

In Higher Education's Territorial Waters, Chief Financial Officers Find Challenges, and Solutions in Their Roles, Lucie Lapovsky offers 6 chapters that delve into issues impacting Chief Financial Officers (CFO). The book explores the role communication plays to the success of a CFO. The clarity of communication is the essential factor for building a strong budget surveillance within institutions. They should not be aimlessly planning because they cannot read their statements, but because words have the potential to give financial magistry to slow-moving institutions. This book emphasizes implementation as an effective strategy for planning budgets. Lack of implementation leads to financial mismanagement. Proper incorporation of implementation ensures compliance to policies, guidelines, and good governance practices specific to the institution's environment ( Verma 2014). They use a mix of management philosophies, practices, and theories to balance the competing demands posed to them by the state legislature, boards of trustees and other constituencies while functionally fulfilling their responsibilities as CFO of higher education institutions. CFO undertake a myriad of condensed responsibilities, fall under diverse complex cultures, rising stakeholder expectations, budgets on the brink are some of their responsibilities. The book empathizes their journey from 7 chapters, which vividly display the practical problems that they face in planning budgets and from a uniquely educational perspective. Each chapter deals effectively with these questions, "What Role Do Chief Financial Officers Play in Higher Education Institutions?" "What Responsibilities Do Chief FIT in Higher Education?" Each chapter concentrates on a different unique way to address the funding pool. Digitization, social media, mobile technology has brought these concepts right to our doorsteps. CFO now need to nurture strong interpersonal relationships with individuals working from diverse backgrounds, to achieve effective cooperation rather than mere supervision or tension between different groups of institutions.


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Roles and Responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer (Lucie  Lapovsky).

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