Larissa is a 29-year-old woman who has a degree in chemistry. She is educated and attractive, but she has many disorders including depression, borderline disorder, and eating disorders. Larissa spends 31 days documenting her daily experiences through minute-by-minute recordings.

The second volume, covering the dates from February 13th to March 2nd, reveals her private battles: her secret experiences that mentally ill people often hide from others. This rare opportunity enables readers to experience the mental battles of a sick person and understand the struggles they face in everyday life

Larissa is only 29 years old, but is very knowledgeable. She is a PhD in chemistry. Strangers on the street will turn to look and smile at her, how beautiful and attractive she is; but she is ill and probably carries many illnesses at once: depression, borderline personality disorder, eating disorders; she too hurts herself.She talks about her 31 days in a daily minute log for 13 February to 2 March. This live-noted, current minute log, where experiences, feelings, and events are still fresh and detailed, made it easier for Larissa to understand herself and her feelings better and thus handle them better. By committing to making this unique document public, the reader learns surprising things, very intimate, very direct. These are secret experiences that mentally ill people go through and that they usually keep entirely private. The reader advances into some areas that usually nobody has access to. This is a unique opportunity to explore the psyche of a sick person.The first book ended with a deep failure, and now we learn from the second book, how her struggle to be happy and loved continues this almost unconquered and unwinnable game.The food attacks and vomiting, apathy and laziness, lack of will, powerlessness, fatigue, sexual arousal, lies and self-deception, hate feelings, low self-esteem complexes, self-destruction and fear, let see her always more recognize, that her desire to be completely happy is a difficult mission, however, her dream that it will become better gives her hope and always gives her positive energy again… She tries over and over again not to give up, and has made great progress in some areas. But will she be able to conquer her demons? Larissa's openness and her journey provide us with something very special and

Автор Ларисса Си - 29-летняя девушка с многочисленными болезнями: депрессия, пограничное расстройство, тревога, самоуничижение. Для человека, как она, каждая болезнь ощущается болезненно. Она профессоре-химик, но обычная химия ничем не поможет ей в её проблеме. Ежедневно она ведёт дневник, в котором размышляет на протяжении месяца о своих чувствах и эмоциях. Это дневник станет возможностью для изучающего заглянуть глубоко внутрь сознания больного человека. Но справится ли героиня с демонами, преследующими её? Уникальность данного материала состоит в том, что автор открывается перед читателем и делится своей историей для того, чтобы поделиться своей силой и мудростью, которая наверняка пригодится многим.




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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Автор: Larissa S.
  • Категория: Литературоведение
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783752910384