Cuatro páginas en blanco (Lucho Zúñiga).

Incomprehended by his time, Federico Alsuzbidie was a writer who, without having written a single word on paper (and thus the title of this book), moved the foundations of criticism. Was he a true avant-garde or someone who was making fun of his readers? "Four Pages Blank", by Lucho Junega, is a notable aesthetic artifact because it combines essay, interview, and micro-novel to reinforce its metaliterary character. But it, first and foremost, is an daring text and should not go unnoticed. Luchozjunga (Lima Peru, 1878) remembers that he had been nine years old when, after a blackout, lit by a candle, his older brother asked him if he wanted to hear a story. He had already read Pulgarcitoh, The cat with boots, Pinchhopoo and blank snow and the seven dwarves. It looks like something similar. His brother reads to him the beginning of Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka; a transcendental event in his childhood. Since then, he improvises self-sufficient worlds in small notebooks. One of them, an elderly man, who took refuge in a basement during World War II, wrote a poem in the form of a staircase and asked seven of his descendants to write a book inspired by him. Thus, a Loge called El Blum Circle, which appears in his first novel is born. Four unwritten pages that the confidant reader will know how to fill with his imagination. Four pages within a multiple volume, one of which takes us to "Claravidencia," an unpublished work by the brilliant Alsuzbied-Juniza: glimpses of what escapes our control at what we have called Reality, brief visions where the fantastic hands with the absurd and grotesque. An unfinished book.



Cuatro páginas en blanco (Lucho Zúñiga).

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