Principes de la stratégie. T. 3 (l'Archiduc Charles). 1818г.

Книга "Принципы стратегии. Том 3" содержит описание второго периода военной кампании 1796 года в Германии. Это перевод работы на немецком языке, приписываемой Архидуку Карлу и содержащей карты и планы. Книга описывает стратегии и тактики, используемые во время военной кампании и анализирует их в контексте битв и сражений.

“Principles of Strategy” by Archduke Charles, Volume 3 is a comprehensive study of the Second Period of the 1796 Campaign. The book includes detailed reports on the German campaign, with maps and plans. The work was translated from the German language and attributed to A.S.A.I., which stands for “Archduke Charles.”

The book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in military history, particularly those who study the Napoleonic Wars. It provides an in-depth analysis of the strategic decisions made by both sides during the war, as well as the tactics and strategies used by the French and German armies.

The author, Archduke Charles, was a prominent military strategist during the Napoleonic era. He served as a general in the Austrian army during the French Revolutionary Wars and was known for his innovative military tactics. The third volume of “Principles of Strategy,” which focuses on the Second Period of the 1796 Campaign, is a testament to his expertise.

In addition to providing an excellent historical overview of the war, the book also offers valuable insights into the military thinking and decision-making processes of the time. It offers a unique perspective on the strategic thinking and tactics used by both the French and the German armies during the conflict.

Overall, “Principles of Strategy” is a must-read for anyone interested in the Napoleonic Era or military history in general. It is a comprehensive and well-researched study that provides a detailed account of the Second Period of the 1796 Campaign and the strategies and tactics employed by both the French and German forces.

«Принципы стратегии. Том 3. Включает в себя второй период кампании 1796 года: разработанные на основе описания кампании 1796 года в Германии: с картами и планами / работа, переведенная с немецкого и приписанная A.S.A.I. Архидуке Карлу».


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Principes de la stratégie. T. 3 (l'Archiduc Charles). 1818г.

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Principes de la stratégie. T. 3
  • Автор: l'Archiduc Charles
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Дата выхода: 1818г.
  • Язык: French
  • Паблишер: Библиотечный фонд