Darian Hunter: Duke of Desire (Кэрол Мортимер).

Книга "Darian Hunter: герцог желания" автор Кэрол Мортимер, поможет узнать о загадочной паре: Дарен Хантер - знаменитый распутник и безвестный холостяк, а Мария Бичем - скандально известная вдова, тайный агент Его Величества. Вся книга играет роль театрального представления, декорацией к которому стал дом на открытом воздухе. Главная задача героев состоит в том, чтобы остановить заговор, раскрыть тайны других личностей, но в процессе им самим предстоит пройти через множество испытаний. Сюжет книги полон интриг, приключений и романтики.

Продолжение на русском:Carol Mortimer: The Rake's Holiday Если вам эта книга незнакома, вот такое описание предлагаю сделать рерайтом:THE GAMES:John Thorne, the Duke of Bewcastle: the city's most irresistible free spirit and infamous playboyEmily Marsh, Lady Cardigan: a society beauty who no longer believes in the old-fashioned rulesTHE SETTING:A fabulous yacht in the CaribbeanTHE ACT:When Emily falls for her host, it's sure to lead to old misunderstandings -- but it could also mean the discovery of a criminal mastermind. THE TWIST:Duelling landscapes of English country estates and luxurious catamaran cruise; countless opportunities for John and Emily to dig up truth, or put romance on hold.Dangerous! In fact, one does not simply fall for the Duke.He happens to fall head over heelsFor bestselling romance novelist Caroline Mortimer, glossary lover and independent book reviewer, dating was plastic surgery gone wrong, while men (and her profession) seemed to exist as a convoluted mismatch. The daunting idea of getting her head around falling for a certified lothario featured in the credits page had Carol, armed with only the scantest of references from luridly popular romances (never at the expense of sanity), dodging mirrors in elaborate attempts to envision a life beyond magazines, dating websites and TV reality shows.Clearly some inspirational epiphanies would help, damnit...Bringing her single-minded sense of pragmatism, Carol had initially chosen to invest her free time (from work) profiling the gorgeous yet high maintenance concoction known only as Duchess Demeter, endorse an eclectic collection of creatures born of the internet with the sole intention of rising to Her Ladyship's haughty lofty standards, and plotting a tentative reunion with John. Unfortunately for Carol (and occasionally the casual romance fiction reader), her original plan had gone awry, and she'd wound up as guests at an opulent house party aboard an exotic cruiser, nursed from a hangover by his deliberately maddening confidante, Ashleigh Barrington. Now she took refuge in moonlight-drenched Deck Salon, hiding from braying silence-breakers' cameras in classic Mary Poppins mode before reenacting the wild, main-patio chase scene as venture to save Darwin from dismemberment by a weight-lifting ox, complete with racial slurs and the restriction of personal space.While she hated to admit it, her odd crew did have a point: when it suited them, these men were hard to ignore.


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Darian Hunter: Duke of Desire (Кэрол Мортимер).

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