Suffering the Scot - Brotherhood of the Black Tartan, Book 1 (Unabridged) (Nichole Van).

Книга "Suffering the Scot" - первая часть серии "Братство Черного Тартана" автора Николы Ван представляет собой захватывающую историю об опасном приключении и борьбе за выживание.

Повествование разворачивается в Лондоне, где герой Том, студент-историк, сталкивается с коварными планами тайного общества, которые угрожают городу и его гражданам. Том должен раскрыть заговор и спасти своих близких от опасности, не жертвуя своими моральными принципами и принципами чести.

Роман увлекателен своей стильной атмосферой, где смешиваются традиционные шотландские мотивы, история и современный мир, а так же необыкновенно красивы описания ночного Лондона и самих героев. Несмотря на сюжет, который может показаться простым, книга все так же способна держать читателя в напряжении и радовать непредсказуемыми поворотами.

Suffering the Scot is the first novel in the thrilling Brotherhood Black Tartan series by award-winning SOPA writer and lawyer Nichole M. van der Linden." - New York Times(USA)Suffering THE Scot follows the political complications caused when former Special Operations Commander Lieutenant Nathan Scott takes on the radical British Secret Service.\nScott is wanted for treason, suspected of aiding terrorist suspects, and his past catches up with him when guilt, love, fire, and justice mix together in a dangerous and chaotically beautiful suspenseful story.Introspective and provocative, this book sweeps readers from Scotland to Oman to the streets of London as the lush Scottish tartan intertwines with a desaturated urban odyssey influenced by real-life events such as the Samantha Hall bombing and the Al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan.\nThe snows, the mist, and hidden secrets that tinge the tale are a Vietnam of world affairs woven with love lost and found, enmity, class, primal power and raw lust."

Suffering the Scot by Nicholle VanMunn is a wild and heartfelt follow-up to her successful No Smothering Scott novel and a modern-day re-imagining of Scottish history through the affections and tribulations of its leading ladies.When Regina “Skye” MacSwiney arrives for her yearly stay at her aunts impoverished estate in northern Scotland she wasn’t prepared for an unexpected love triangle or for a romance rekindled with the self-proclaimed bully and school president – her former flame Nate Greenwood.\nThis invigorated teen romance placed in the Scottish Highlands and her time spent learning the history and culture of Scotland slowly, yet surely, morphs into the highly anticipated sequel No Smotherin’Scot Conversion, revolving around - just as Regina tells her aunts - the coming together of three distinct Scottish clans– MacNeil, MacGill and McQuiston, – blended with Scotts and Irish, into a Scottish clan known only as The Brotherhood Of The Black Tartan following the release of a previously untold edition of a 17th Century Scottish manuscript known as Tartarquin’s Enduring Map.\nAs two of Regina’s aunts, Bessie and Zackary, uncover more secrets about Scottish history, Regina begins to uncover the awful truth behind their family line, as well as her earlier visions and the unfinished life that had previously been called upon to protect Strathtay.\nCan the Book of Thirteen maintain its power to protect her from attackers, or will Regina lose the faith in herself as a conduit between her deceased ancestors and current allies in hopes of stopping, not only the return of Tartarquin to Earth, but also a poignant betrayal by the female head of Scotland and an isolated past in disguise?


#исторические любовные романы

Suffering the Scot - Brotherhood of the Black Tartan, Book 1 (Unabridged) (Nichole Van).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Suffering the Scot - Brotherhood of the Black Tartan, Book 1 (Unabridged)
  • Автор: Nichole Van
  • Категория: Исторические любовные романы
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 9781662051807