Reviews in Computational Chemistry (Kenny Lipkowitz B.).

Книга “Reviews in Computational Chemistry” авторства Kenny Lipkowitz - это не только основной справочник, который продается на рынке библиотек, но и стал все чаще приобретаться отдельными людьми. Это связано с взрывным ростом использования вычислительной химии в различных научных областях.

Каждый том не имеет единой темы, поэтому содержание книги является важным инструментом для определения областей, которые исследуются в каждом томе. Серия содержит обновленные и всеобъемлющие справочники по программному обеспечению для молекулярного моделирования, в которых перечислены сотни программ, услуг, поставщиков и другой информации, которая будет полезна каждому химику. Авторские и предметные указатели в каждой книге помогут читателю быстро найти конкретные темы.

Серия разработана для того, чтобы помочь читателю быть в курсе многих новых разработок в области вычислительных методов. Главы представлены в виде обучающих материалов и написаны в стиле, не требующем математических знаний, что позволяет студентам и исследователям получать доступ к вычислительным методам, выходящим за рамки их непосредственной области знаний.

Not only a major compendium for the commercial market that it is, this series seems around increasing purchases from individuals as related to these uses of computational chemistry proliferate across scientific fields. As each contribution is on its own individual subject, the Table of Contents is an essential tool for identifying the areas covered in a given volume. As such, it might prove surveying the updates and comprehensions of molecular simulation software distributed therein, not merely listing hundreds of applications, services, vendors, and a wealth of other data that is sure to serve chemists well. Each includes author and topic indexes, which allow readers to discover particularly useful subjects quickly and precisely. Jointly bringing together some of the foremost authorities in their respective fields, this foray is structured around facilitating their appreciation of much of the latest developments in comprehensive practices that originate outside their current sphere of expertise. The chapters in question are presented in a step-by-step format and presented written conservatively so that students and researchers alike can learn about computational treatments independent of their immediate field of study.

If this book is new to you, here's a description I made: Not only a majour reference tool to sell to the academic market, this set has now attracted an increase of individual purchases. This surge is due to its explosive rise in popularity in computational chemistry across many scientific fields. As each book does not focus on one specific theme, their index is an essential tool in helping the reader find the sections lighted in each ‘The series includes updated and complete compendia of molecular modelling software that lists hundreds of applications, providers and services, and other helpful information that researchers in the field will find useful. Detailed author and topic indexes on each work aid readers to swiftly get to know individual topics. Uniting some of the most esteemed writers in the fields they represent, the set is created to aid students and academic staff keep up with the multitude of fresh developments in computation procedures. The chapters are offered in a tutorial approach and written in a nonpractical style, allowing learners and researchers to approach computational approaches that transcend their immediate specialisation.


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Reviews in Computational Chemistry (Kenny Lipkowitz B.).

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