Enganados e seduzidos (Jupiter Hill).

"Enganados e Seduzidos" , is a novel by the author Jupiter Hill. The story tells the story of Gabi, a woman who feel the heat of her hands when she touches on the arms of the protagonist. Specially she embraces my shoulders and turns me faced, looking directly at her. With his fingers he cleans the last tears from my face, combing my cheeks and passes his fingers through the hair. He strokes my neck and leaves his marks run deeper, reaching at the base of my breasts. He traces its contour with his fingers. When the gentle chest touched my love, separated only by the sweater, I felt a trembling inside myself. What happens to me? Until today, I had a normal, discreet life, until all of a sudden everything falls apart above me.

I work as personal secretary in a small advertising studio, I have been married to my husband for 12 years. Because of an illness, I can not have children, but that did not stop our love. We had quite a discreet life; we had friends, we went a lot together. Also our sex was pretty simple. Before my marriage, I did not have any other experience, so he was the only man in my life. As I does n't know anything else, I lost nothing.

As every morning, we take breakfast together before I go to the office. My husband is an independent insurance agent and works a lot at home. We kissed goodbye and I got into my car and left.

На руках Гэйби чувствую я жар, Их прикосновение для меня целебный дар. Её рука мою шею обнимает, А поцелуй едва ль не небосвод сверкает. Ты ловкою рукою платок сживаешь, И вновь я начинаю лоб свой вытирать. Глаза закрыв я в тишине дрожу, Ведь создано ты всё, чтоб воли мне лишить. В котором лишь ты, нет никого сверх того, Щадит меня твоя забота и добро. Мой путь освещаешь надеждой женской ты, Какие бы не случались на моём пути неурядицы.



Enganados e seduzidos (Jupiter Hill).

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