A Voice in the Dark (Jenna Ryan).

Это захватывающий триллер от автора бестселлеров Нью-Йорк Таймс Тэмара Пайрс. Книга рассказывает историю студентки колледжа по имени Зои Хэррингтон, которая становится свидетелем ужасного преступления.

Однажды ночью Зои слышит крики девушки, исходящие из кампуса ее колледжа. Но когда Зои звонит в полицию, они не находят никаких доказательств нападения. Теперь Зои начинает получать странные анонимные звонки и сообщения с угрозами. Кажется, кто-то не хочет, чтобы правда выплыла наружу.

Зои решает самостоятельно расследовать это дело, но чем больше она узнает, тем больше подвергает опасности себя и своих близких. У нее появляется ощущение, что за ней следят и преследуют. Кому можно доверять в этом кошмаре и кто хочет ее смерти? Зои должна найти ответы, пока не стало слишком поздно.

Это захватывающий триллер с неожиданными поворотами сюжета, который заставит читателя держаться на краю кресла от начала до самого конца.

Книга написана Джен Райан, и рассказывает о девушке по имени Каролина, которая возвращается из путешествия в Италию и обнаруживает, что ее муж поднимал на нее руку и вообще оказался чудовищем, от которого она старается уйти, но пока терпит поражение за поражением. Книга жестокая, но при этом в ней проводится интересная мысль на тему стыда. Стыд, который, как показывают исследователи (например, Эрика Фурман), есть часть нашей адаптивной природы, оправдан, потому что плох не сам стыд, а то, как и из-за чего мы его испытываем. Возможно, это относится и к жестокости. Kaite, youth activist from the movement MeToo, became engaged in a scandal with a local celebrity which received worldwide coverage and result in the murder of her mother by her estranged father to whom she had repeatedly called despite the fact, for the majority of people, he humiliated her and abused her physically. After that situation, it moved only deeper into the abyss, therefore omitted meetings no longer attended. They didn't have any time spend together, although Jared had begun a gym again and was regularly cancelling the appointments on false pretexts. "No, it is not possible to arrange everything," Karolina thought and began to apply makeup to the bruise under her eye while having a conversation with her boss. Prior to her departure in Italy, Jared promised to maintain the business and promised that they will return to Turin within a month of Karolina's travels. And she believed. She grabbed folders of reservations and contracts at home and flew south, entrusted to the energies and charming friends violating Jasmin's bright eyes and beautiful smile. The dream fell to fragments. Kazi-Aisha receives a threatening phone call from her ex claiming she doesn't belong to Ukraine and should disappear. It's not the first time that someone has threatened her, but this time all too sincerely wants to ruin her life. He knew about her child and still doesn't let her forget who she was, where she grew up. He used women for personal gain, always pushed down their self-esteem and once frightened them so brutally that this frighteners stuck with them as a permanent fear of being abandoned and left alone. He exploited his oldest son to hurt the youngest girl. But it was Kazi-Aysha who made the decision to leave the man who had raised her loving and supportive, to give herself to the dangerous so as not to be put on the spot. Years later, during an intimate moment she admits to Kaziya this motivation: so long as she treated her son like her own, no one would dare not only kill her or visit her but even speak ill of her memory. This woman offers fatality as consolation, as a substitute for a traditional punishment. Kazya doesn't understand can't accept a life without memories. In Alessio's mansion there is a consternation. A messenger claims his passenger's estate arrogantly, and yet nervously. Mrs. Laura tries to throw the man away calmly, yet through firmly held fascinating eyes, the messenger clearly realizes that he's entered a house full of snakes. It immeditately becomes clear that the owner is Caroline, Laura's new employer. When he meets her in person, Alessandro hates her almost immediately. Her beauty earns her popularity in a male world which has often tortured her physical appearance as a teenager, has never attracted the attention of the opposite sex and suffered from breakups. Questions linger, distracting and stressful. Who murdered Elena? Why did Paul, with whom Jared and Caroline had arranged an evening of wine tasting several times a week to lose it completely and sleeping with it? What his relationship with Elena was? Obviously the answers will not be found easy, though they can be devastating if they exist. Either way, nothing could have been predicted, nor could anyone but each other. Karen hasn't slept, buried in her head as memories heavily as in those bones the car, from which she hadn't left since the accident. Her creepy ex, Ed, has returned to England, never really tried to cover his tracks - although it had to disappear in order to save himself from prison. All along he'd been running, leaving her to cope with his deadly ambitions and to rebuild herself at her deathbed. At times Karen realizes how massively ungrateful he was for his kindness - and at other times, did it recreate the tension of the night steam. Joseph Boxall stands before the gravestone and removes weeds sprouting from the granite obelisk bearing the name, birthday and information regarding our deceased Foster. Although he feels like visiting more often, Joseph reminds himself that he is not subject to obligations placed upon him, rejected or betrayed by the parents with whom he lived. Someday he hopes to do the right thing and find a home outside the walls of that cold hospice where he spent his childhood.

The secret to a beautiful life is the strength and clarity in difficult moments… it is making the best of a bad situation, your luck, or the favor you started. Here are 3 lessons that have transformed my life." --Jenna Ryan Meriwooll is eager to continue the family traditions this Christmas on their grand new house that her dad bought them. But little does she know, this isn't going to be your standard holiday celebration -- not when it happens on the dark rainy night of Christmas Eve, and when the others leaves town and the whole place is in quarantine, except for her and her brother Gerjan. Meriwolll eventually comes to accept that they can't do nothing, they have to suit up and make every situation work - not the ordinary ones that everyone sees. Many unexpected characters and each of them has its story, also about the resistance in humanity. With just some animals and teenage kids, how they will survive until dawn.


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A Voice in the Dark (Jenna  Ryan).

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