For Reasons Unknown: A gripping crime debut that keeps you guessing until the last page (Michael Wood).

Два убийства. Двадцать лет спустя. Теперь убийца вернулся за новыми жертвами...

Захватывающий дебютный детективный роман. Начало блестящей серии, идеально подойдет для поклонников Стюарта Макбрайда, Вал Макдермид и Джеймса Освальда.

Главный инспектор Матильда Дарк возвращается на работу после девятимесячного отсутствия. Тень своего прежнего "я", она получает задание возобновить расследование старого дела: ужасающе жестоких убийств Миранды и Стефана Харкнесс. Единственным свидетелем был их одиннадцатилетний сын Джонатан, который был слишком глубоко травмирован, чтобы произнести хоть слово.

Затем обнаруживается мертвое тело, и расследование возвращает Матильду к старому делу. Внезапно прошлое и настоящее сливаются воедино, и, похоже, убийца мог вернуться за новыми жертвами...

Автор: Майкл ВудMystery fans will devote unflinching attention to this mysterious turning point in the troubled life of Matilda Darke, the guru investigator in Michael Wood’s awe-inspiring 1 bestseller, A Sprained Ankle.Translated into fourteen languages, Michael Wood's For Reasons Unknown is a clever murder tale that jumps off the page and brings any reader "closer" than ever to the true depths of human behavior.The story takes place nineteen years after the gruesomely violent murders of Victor and Angelica Evans. Their beloved son Daniel has become a struggling writer under the watchful eye of his mother Emily, a professor of criminal psychology at Princeton University.\nWhen Daniel becomes convinced that someone might be after him, a chain of events obviously linked to his estranged father break out, revealing truths about January 2002 – when two people holding the key to Daniel Lindsey’s future took their lives -- that will bind everyone who reads Wood's tale together."It is the emotional connection and power that separates For Reasons Unknown from other controversial crime fictions," from England Today.From the moment the book is introduced, Wood keeps us guessing what will take place next. As the story dissects every possible route toward retribution, wondering becomes a necessity – often a struggle at such a heartbeat pick up in intensity. In the present day, we are introduced to a new, disturbed individual based on a vivid sketch which defines Gary Ashby – and what he will do specifically at the crucial moment of activation of potential blue-volts.This is a novel that demands readers tally its turns as terse agony drives the sinking realization that everything under the surface structured like an elaborate machination designed to keep delicate peace, symbiotic about the lives of the underdogs, will not remain preserved forever.Excitingly suspenceful and unnervingly prescient, Michael Wood has taken stab at a seriously unsettling concept. After reading this novel — the perfect ending for those who loved Lost World by Orson Scott Card— readers will have come to expect more from the author."For Reasons Unknown is … a gripping read," writes Lincs-Live Yellow.stay


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For Reasons Unknown: A gripping crime debut that keeps you guessing until the last page (Michael  Wood).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: For Reasons Unknown: A gripping crime debut that keeps you guessing until the last page
  • Автор: Michael Wood
  • Категория: Современная зарубежная литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9780008158668