Optimizing Growth: Leverage Big Data & Demand into Sustainable Profitable Growth by Jason Green

In today’s turbulent and rapidly changing business environment, achieving sustainable and profitable growth is challenging. Advanced tools and strategies are needed not only to identify, but also to leverage opportunities within the disruptive age of big-data analytics. J.J. Green, CEO of Klotchworth (a tech company), applies big data into customer insights to more profitably drive the organic growth of the organization. His book “Optimizing Growth” offers a concise guide into adopting rapid analytical methods and dynamic collaboration to transform the ‘unprecedented’ world of disruptors and break-throughs.

From start-up trends to data collection models to analytics into customer expectation, J. Green breaks down the “complex” aspects of customer psychology, technologies, and market pressures. Then, case studies from leading innovators and experts (Andreessen Horowitz, LG), present (innovate) and highlight an international perspective to enabling big-picture strategies and breakthrough solutions. For instance, the innovative strategies of Apple and TDK introduce novel approaches to master both big data analysis and sound product design. Hence, this book proves a true indispensable tool for understanding how to navigate through today’s disastrous environment and sustain yourself on the leading edge. It empowers leaders, executives, and individuals alike with the key parameters for identifying, building, analyzing, benchmarking, innovating, and growing big. By pointing out to ‘optimizers,’ “Optimizing Growth ” not only presents a unique insight on prevailing time and shared lessons, but emphasizes the potential to realize unprecedented business ventures and attain double-digit growth rates. As a result, this motivational and insightful textbook epitomizes the conundrum behind big-leap strategies, fostering a solid foundation for developing and levering services, operations, products, and ideas. To put all these 38 engaging pages to use, download the novel and familiarize yourself with optimal strategies and innovations. By adopting versatile strategy courses, keep this title by your side during the enterprise transition. Whether you’re looking for a ‘Growth Mindset’, ‘Demand Analysis’, or ‘Competitive Intelligence’, this guide shares essential indicators, analysis, and profiles that aid you to “double,’ “triple,’ “exceed,” and “excel.”


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Optimizing Growth (Jason  Green).

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