Sturreganz (Ungekürzt) (Jakob Wassermann).

Jakob Wasserman’s novel Sturrganz, Ungekurtzt ("The Destruction of the Lesser", full length edition), is a sweeping story of a young man who joins a resistance group against a Nazi-like regime in his country.

Our hero, called Karl, finds himself torn between the idealistic ideals of true patriotism and the harsh reality of brutal survival. When the regime falls, Karl must decide if he should fight to secure freedom or yield to violent oppression. Throughout the narrative, we see a disturbing historical commentary on the contemporary conflict in Ukraine. Set in a world where democracy and human rights have been violently repressed by a fascist puppet government, this is an illuminating indictment of human corruption. What begins as a search for meaning turns into a personal journey of discovery and protest. As a character, he is at once noble and hateful, kind and brutal, victim and aggressor. The book resonates with complex emotions, dreams, and tragic realities.

Эта книга - о том, как воспитать детей, которые будут тихо учиться в школе, с удовольствием выполнять общественные поручения и радовать родителей.

Это книга о часто задаваемых вопросах, стандартах общения, дыхании ртом. Сейчас будет скучно.


#зарубежная классика

Sturreganz (Ungekürzt) (Jakob Wassermann).

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