Sweaters Without Borders (Jacqui Davey).

"Sweater Without Borders" by Jacqui Davey tells the story of District Nurse Jenny who continues to grieve after the tragic loss of her husband, firefighter Steve. That night, while cleaning at the attic, she discovers an old knitting bag belonging to her late aunt, Sue. In the bag, Jenny finds a sweater pattern for a child and some old knitting needles that she was using during overseas trips to visit patients.

The memories of Sue's selfless acts of altruism inspire Jenny to take matters into her own hands and knit a small sweater, even though she considered herself a terrible knitter. She decides to donate this sweater to Claire, a young medical resident headed to South Sudan for her medical electives. However, the act of turning over a sweater to someone in need sets Jenny on a path towards her own personal development as a doctor and humanitarian.

Through Claire'



Sweaters Without Borders (Jacqui Davey).

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