Bajo Las Garras Verdes (Ivo Ragazzini).

Bajo las Garras Verde is a Dantean reference to an epic battle, which ended with a massacre towards the end of the thirteenth century, between a Franco-Guelph army sent by Pope Martin IV and the last Gibelins left in Italy after the death of Federico II There had been all brought over from all over Italy to Forlì to defend it as the last remaining Gibelin city that still kept the imperial laws and with an impressive show of force, they caught the French army besieging them for a year by surprise and slaughtered them. Why and how this confrontation came about and how it ended are naturally the subject of this book Indeed, it is a historical clash, emerged from the darkness of centuries, dedicated to the last Gibelin Italian soldiers, who, refusing to submit to the pope, were recalled by Dante when he wrote in "La divina Commedia". "... making bloodied French, under the green claws, remain". In 1282 after a long series of conflicts between Guelfs and Gibelins, an army organized by Pope Martin, composed of eighteen thousand French and Italian Gueli soldiers, was sent to Romeña in order to put an end to once and for all the last Gibélins who had gathered near Forlì in defense of these lands deemed Imperial dominion. In the aid of the forliveses came from all around the last Italian Gibelins remaining faithful to the will of Emperor Federico II thirty years earlier, the forlivese soldiers wore proud the Imperial black eagles on a field of gold that he had personally given them to wear earlier. What happened and why the situation ended up as this will be the focus of this study. What was ancient Romeña is also the topic of this story. Romeña is a land rich in traditions and history dating back many centuries Knowing how this land came to be formed and what Romeña was at the time of Rome is not difficult to discover, and indeed, you will see that some things will be investigated in this story Before or after I will write a detailed historical account about Romeña, but the true objective of this book is, and remains, the siege and battle of the last Italian gibelins fought at Forlì towards the end the thirteenth cent. Thus, inevitably this account will tell you, for the first time entirely, some new ideas about the real origins of Forlì, what royal monuments and traditions it had inherited and why it becomes the last gibelian fortress To explain who were, in reality, those Ordelaffis and many other historical figures forgotten, such as astrologer Guido Bon


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Bajo Las Garras Verdes (Ivo Ragazzini).

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