Послания С Небес (Isabelle B. Tremblay).

Book "Messages from Heaven" by Isabelle B Tremblay is not familiar to you, then here is a description of which I have - just do the rewrite: Author of the book "Medium for the involuntarily!". Returns to its readers with new messages from the universe. For almost two years she acted as a liaison between the two worlds, carrying messages from deceased, archangels and other creatures of light. These messages are inspiring and give hope, helping to understand earthly life and life after death. The purpose of some of them is the call of man to spiritual growth, others are clarifying the meaning of life and death. Author of "Involuntarily Medium" Again returns to readers with messages new from universe. Almost two years ago she played a role as a communication link between two worlds conveying messages from dead, angels and also beings of light bright. Messages inspiration and do hope giving, to convey earthly real life, especially deathlife. Purpose of some messages it prayer human spiritual advancement summons, other-clarified message meaning life and of d this message bring. You can read the collection as a book or select a message you like, when you need to receive an answer or revive your spirit. You may also chose messages from different chapters, from deceased or light beings depending on what you want at the moment. Some words seem closer to you than others, and some, as if addressed specifically to you. More than five years Isabel has been working consciously with subtle worlds. She calls herself messenger soul and conducts consultation for anyone interested in developing their paranormal abilities or simply grow spiritually. She makes other worlds more accessible and understandable to us. The collection is the eighth book of Isab


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Послания С Небес (Isabelle B. Tremblay).

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