Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 31 (Ilya Prigogine).

Серия «Прорывы в химической физике» предоставляет областям химической физики и физической химии площадку для критического, авторитетного анализа достижений в каждой сфере этих дисциплин. Наполненные передовыми исследованиями, представленными в целостной форме, которую трудно найти в другой литературе, каждый том серии «Прорывы в химической физике» служит идеальным дополнением к любому продвинутому университетскому курсу, посвященному изучению химической физики.

Книга Prigogine на английском языке: This volume is a collection of major groundbreaking works in chemical physics dealing with theoretical and experimental photochemistry, nuclear magnetic resonance, and electrochemistry.\nTopics covered in this book include: Gas kinetics, photochemical processes, special relativity and quantum electrodynamics in the theory of spinning electrons, electronic states in molecules and the optical rotation, terahertz time differently spectroscopy, quantum bio electrochemistry, reaction mechanism and kinetics of helium4 gamma (tritium p) molecules reactivity, ion chromatography and volumetry of DNA fragments.\nAuthors contributing to this volume include Andrade, Ashley, Brideaux, Cooper, Hall, Sharma-Shivley, Kalmann, Leigh, McQuiston and Zaworotko.\nThis title is part of IUPAC's Advances in ChemicalPhysics series recording the most advanced developments in chemicalphysics and physicalchemistry for reference by researchers working in these areas. Accounting for recent and cutting edge research, the entries are presented in a fashion that is not readily available in other commercial sources. These volumes serve as adept supplements for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in chemicalphysics, an offering apart for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge of the field.


#научно-популярная литература

Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 31 (Ilya  Prigogine).

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