HPLC Made to Measure (Группа авторов).

Книга HPLC - это единственная современная книга по теме оптимизационных решений для пользователей HPLC. Авторы сосредоточили свое внимание на оптимизации, чтобы удовлетворить потребности тех, кто желает постоянно совершенствовать свои методы, в частности, относительно пропускной способности, точности и экономической эффективности.

В этом руководстве представлены такие известные авторы, как Джон У. Долан, Майкл МакБрайен, Вероника Р. Мейер, Уве Д. Нойе, Ллойд А. Снайдер и Клаус К. Юнгер, а также ученые-практики всемирно известных компаний. В целом это уникальное руководство охватывает все важные аспекты общей оптимизации, оптимизации в разных средах LC, хелатной техники и компьютерного обеспечения оптимизации. К ней прилагается раздел пользовательских отчетов.

Оптимизация HPLC, группа авторов

This HPLC volume focuses on optimization -- an approach that addresses the ongoing needs of analytical instrument users that want to improve their analytical methods, particularly in the areas of efficiency, accuracy, and the ability to effect process or laboratory improvement while minimizing costs. This book features chapters from some of the leading experts including John Dolan, Man McBrien, Veronica Meyer, and Uwe Neue; among others, scientists at AstraZeneca and Merck.

Topics covered include aspects of overall method optimization, method development for different liquid chromatography modes (normal phase, reverse phase, hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography, supported liquid membranes), hyphenation and optimization with computer assistance to experimental parameters such as mobile phase compositions, flow rates, gradient profiles, column temperature may also be improved to narrow peaks for greater selectivity and resolve more components and adding transitions for electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), information on the peaks following UV spectroscopy and ICP (inductively coupled plasma) mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis that allow high precision quantitative trace analyses, Separation Science and Performance Assessment, the use of beta-CD, improvement criteria for separations and mobile phase adjustments, method complexity and numbers of transitions, column size and dimension, new cell systems, the graceful degradation of chiral separations, surfactants, gradients, a direct, totally automated manufacture method applicable for the basis of understanding and controlling the different molecular processes occurring in liquid chromatographic separations keeping thresholds concerned about high compatibility of solvents with other bonded phases used in conjunction with HTCs silica and stationary phases and reversed phase systems.

The book also includes chapters on User Reports that highlight separation strategies of notable user labs that have been optimized using these methods. The book would be useful for scientists from the clinical, academic, pharmaceutical, environmental, bioanalytical, and industrial settings using HPLC to solve real problems in these different and important application areas. To find reliable suppliers of traceable He atoms, accessories, and services for their ion source or quadrupole mass spectrometer.


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HPLC Made to Measure (Группа авторов).

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