First Things Fast (Группа авторов).

Книга “First Things Fast” от группы авторов - это практическое руководство, которое содержит множество шаблонов и примеров для анализа производительности. Книга была полностью пересмотрена и обновлена, чтобы учесть изменения в мире обучения и производительности, произошедшие за последнее десятилетие. Авторы признают, что мир полон технологий, экономических проблем и возможностей, и как профессионалы в области обучения и производительности планируют в этой изменяющейся среде. Они также предлагают новые методы использования человеческих и интернет-ресурсов, а также способы добавления большего значения своей работе, независимо от места работы. Эта книга предлагает пошаговое руководство по основам анализа производительности и поможет профессионалам в области обучения стать более эффективными и успешными.

The world of learning and development has changed considerably since the earlier edition of "First Things Fast" was published over a decade ago, this thoroughly revised second edition, features author teams. They revisit this world laced with technology, political complexities, and high growth opportunities. In this backdrop, how to frame learning and development edifice? How to shepherd brand-new human-making and web-based assets? How to bring one’s perspectives forward and ply more richness anywhere one operates? At the tips of these questions jointly thrums throughout this second chapter. This noteworthy illumination is a hands on manual that hosts job aides, blueprint packages, and demonstrations packaging handwriting down to stepping stones of conduct examination. Next edition includes: Rerouted inquiries and packages reflecting shift of dedication and help from physical space to private zone, and blends professing learning and aid in both zones Fresh techniques for employing wikis, weblogs, and nano-surveys to pool data Novel methods for tapping in to the force of connections and the foreseeable qualities present for analysists Data on the crucial link between research and appraisal and new padlocks for both disciplines A deluge of fresh descriptive case samples Compassionate commentary boards from energetic cabinets in the public sector who publicly know how they apply research to fuel individual and group tactics «Ann allison Rosset combines mentorship leading the labour with practical patronage. This diplomatic, the later edition of a classical in the district, hosts proven practises and at-hand widgets making this umbrella enroll frequently». – Dana Gaines Robeson, Lawmaker, Establishment Apiaristment and Pioneer Business Colleague «What charm me about this ebook is that it’s an straightforward, hands-on guidebook to mapping. And it covers wide-ranging technology and convergence of education and perform}.»—Nancy J Lewis, harvard Dean and Main Officer of Creation, ITT Corpography


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First Things Fast (Группа авторов).

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