In the Fourth Year: Anticipations of a World Peace (Герберт Уэллс).

Книга "In the Fourth Year: Anticipations of a World Peace" была написана английским писателем Гербертом Уэллсом и опубликована в 1918 году. В ней автор пытался предсказать, какой мир будет после окончания Первой мировой войны, и какие изменения произойдут в мировой политике и обществе в целом.

Уэллс рассматривает различные аспекты будущего мира, такие как экономика, политика, наука, технологии и образование. Он высказывается в пользу создания международной организации для поддержания мира и предотвращения конфликтов между государствами, что в конечном итоге приведет к установлению мирового правительства.

Книга также содержит критику того времени, включая критику британской политики, идеи империализма и войны в целом. Уэллс считал, что война была результатом неэффективности политических структур и отсутствия международного сотрудничества.

"In the Fourth Year" является интересным историческим документом, который позволяет понять мнение прогрессивных мыслителей того времени о будущем мира и его проблемах.

In the Fourth Year, widely hailed as one of Wells's best works, concerns the difficulties experienced by political, social, and economic elites who must prevail in the interests of world peace rather than in their own national pursuits.

This prophetic novel, written in 1903-4, expressed fears that the prevailing political imaginations of imperialism and militarism might lead to disastrous conflict between nations. Wells informed his chronicle with important literary foreshadowing of the outbreak of World War I, thus laying an early warning to humanity concerned about the peril of narrow national interests overriding the stability of the global community.\nWorld War I would be preceded and perhaps triggered by the circumstances described in In the Fourth Year.\nCharacterized by searing social commentary, In the FourthYear traces future events right to the desperation and fanaticism exacerbating this looming war and provides a poignant commentary not only on the failures of policy that allow these deaths to happen but also on the political structures through which we create them.

In the Fourth Year is prefaced with a short introduction, The Peoples Hope, which is there to make this sophisticated work more approachable for readers unfamiliar with the styles of novel or even the author itself. The introduction brief history of politics since the Napoleonic Era and eschews major events until 1898 (when Wells began writing). This cautionary history serves as a transition between what Wells describes as "the Western Romance of Politics," dominated by states and nationalism, and a new era marked instead by responsibility towards world society.\nWells cites social issues like poverty, overpopulation, industrialization, and manifest destiny as driving forces towards the catastrophe. After a period of comparative peace and prosperity following the triumphs of science, technological progress, and colonial mastery, nations return to their darker impulses of nationalism and militancy, leading to aggression and war. Though Wells acknowledges the reality of progress, he remains cautious of how overzealous this progress can be.\nThe extent to which Wells saw issues as dangerously exacerbated by technological and industrial advances as well as the developments associated with mass propaganda echo our own time as the world went to industry and fight wars and appeals for peace. We confront human frailty, require the wisdom for realizing future consequences, struggle with control over our own destinies, and try to keep our civilizational divas from squandering the peace havens afforded by consciences in order to save the planet.\nThis apprehension triggered a need for qualitative incapability in politics, therefore shifting to an appreciation of critical social intervention instead of relying on forces of coercion.\nFrom the foreword reflects Wells\'s true purpose for creating this book: "it is a description of conditions under which both peace and peace, including the possible means of averted severe the worst of evils from the face of the earth.\nFollowing is well\'s analysis covers the politics of the Western Romance as defined by national clubs and antiquated ideas of property, displays key individuals and agencies affected by warfare, and ends with a historical portrayal of an Assembly at the last may call a Universal Peace Conference that great the achievement of justice and global rights.\nEach chapter represents a distinct phase of maneuver and the survival of the divergent methods of government, politics and military have clear inflection between the mentalities of globalism."


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In the Fourth Year: Anticipations of a World Peace (Герберт Уэллс).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: In the Fourth Year: Anticipations of a World Peace
  • Автор: Герберт Уэллс
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain