The Lily's Quest (From Twice Told Tales) (Натаниель Готорн).

"The Lily's Quest" - это рассказ из сборника "Twice Told Tales" американского писателя Натаниэля Готорна. Рассказ рассказывает о приключениях луковицы лилии, которая желает достичь высот и стать цветком. Луковица отправляется в путешествие, проходя испытания и встречая различные препятствия на своем пути. В конце концов она достигает своей цели и превращается в красивый цветок. Рассказ символичен и наполнен метафорами, отражающими жизненный путь человека, его стремление к совершенству и преодоление трудностей на пути к успеху.

The Lily'sQuest (From"TwiceToldTales") written by NathanielHawthorne.If thebookisnewtonyous,hereissomequalitydescription:Itisthesecondclassnarrativein“TheTwice-Told Tales".It deals with a poor fisherman’s onehearted compassion at the sight of an injured juvenile flower blooming among his meagre shells; the flower is a mother deer and her baby a Flint Stone Age father human. The human has strayed away from his village to find food, and so enters the water and is drowned by the swell. Meanwhile the deer has wandered into the presence of the men after the death of its litter – worried about her children’s fate she has come running, fresh blood spurting from her tender trying the jam and the strength of her will unmistakably present. Attempting to dissuade it, the fisherman says to her that the human must die, for he is evil, that around him friends are found to perish. Nonplussed and distraught, she asks: “Then how have my kin formed under this pollution? How can others who dwell below live by such vapid */fide**/ judgements? For, looking upon you in agony of heart, I am unable to believe your words.” Then she completes the logical flow leaving none but admiration or an equal gloom in the hearts of those around Before dawn the next day the fisherman forces himself, almost semi-under the influence of strong drink, to dive below the surging waves to recover the lifeless human and bring him to his dwellings. There he cleans and bandages the strained throat and suffering torso and operates on the drowning in order momentarily Alive the man leaps up in his bed and grabs the stone knife poised over his young breast; smashing the refuse of faster thought away, he acknowledges teacher Tom’s judgment, admits to the woman his own helplessness and falls back, feebly thanking his friend."


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The Lily's Quest (From Twice Told Tales) (Натаниель Готорн).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Lily's Quest (From Twice Told Tales)
  • Автор: Натаниель Готорн
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain