Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse (Ungekürzt) (Ганс Христиан Андерсен).

"Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse" (Неземная принцесса) - это немецкая сказка, написанная Хансом Христианом Андерсеном. История рассказывает о принце, который ищет истинную принцессу, чтобы жениться на ней. Однажды в дождливый вечер к его замку приходит таинственная девушка, утверждающая, что она истинная принцесса. Чтобы проверить ее претензии, матушка принца приготовила испытание: она положила горошину под двадцать матрасов и двадцать перины, на которых претендентка должна спать. Если она почувствует горошину, значит, она истинная принцесса. Девушка не может заснуть всю ночь из-за дискомфорта, и принц понимает, что она действительно истинная принцесса. Он женится на ней, и они живут долго и счастливо.

Эта сказка Андерсена известна своими символическими и метафорическими аспектами. Она подчеркивает важность чувствительности, утонченности и истинной природы человека. Хотя сказка имеет корни в датской культуре, она была переведена на множество языков и стала популярна во всем мире.

Юхан Кристиан Андерсен (дат. Johan Christian Nielsen; около 1805, Оденсе, Дания — 4 августа 1875, Осло, Норвегия) — датский писатель и поэт, наиболее известный детскими сказками. "The Princess on the Pepple-Tree" is a fairy-tale. It is told by the old woman in the forest to the prince and the princess and then retold again by the king and queen who ask the magic mirror to show them the "alma mater" of the evil creatures. The fairytale is divided into four chapters. The first chapter describes the three sons and their misbehavior, stealing peas from the cabbages of others, hitting others for fun. But one day they come upon the oldest little maiden they've ever seen and she persuades them to go into the peeling-house, as it appeared during their journey. However, the younger sons fail to recognize her kindness, but endeavor to escape by submitting to a serpent-charmer. In any case her charms conclude them, making them forget about ladies and addresses. Their elder brother, however, because of his goodwill befriends the maiden, quits merriment and guaranteed himself her friendship for the time being. Overcoming their parents' prejudice, they get married and with a bunch of peas go on their way according to their new-found happiness. The second chapter tells how this couple was visited by a well-known warrior. He remained at dinner after which he left a poem, seized out of love. Unaware that a love potion has been put into their wine, a couple drinks the wine and he falls in love with the warrior's daughter. That army commander had an angry son, who tricked the father into handing over his daughter to him by portraying a wounded man. Thus the young prince goes on a journey for his beloved to prevent his father from taking "a warm wife." Chapter three tells of a three-day journey, while the young people bait and think about the best methods of fighting up for their freedom. And only by 21st they reach a castle where they are worthy guests. The princess, whose husband has been killed in battle before his eyes, through its merits wins the heart of its stepsons and accepts them as husband and sheds sweat alms for them. She wont have the strength to reveal ее misfortune because she also loves this new son of her friend. Even worse, elder brother Vukashin realizes the trickery and demands wedding this lovely lady, promising to grant her liberty within an hour, if he kills John which in fact happened to Yohann. Before his demise he orders to burn a note, containing a description of the whereabouts of his treasures, telling his unfaltering love for the fair lady and calling on her to forgive him for the troubled combatants. At the end he dies in love and peace. In chapter four, Yobandin returns to home back to family after expressing his feelings to an old lady since she drinks poison and advises another young girl to feign to marry him kind. Later that night, along with her three husbands, as snuffed by candle the suicide commit, it discovers an envelope containing condition scribbled by the Lord Vukashinkan and dwells in wealth and luxury in a peacefull interim.


#зарубежная классика

Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse (Ungekürzt) (Ганс Христиан Андерсен).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse (Ungekürzt)
  • Автор: Ганс Христиан Андерсен
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Паблишер: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 9783991163565